Chapter 8: What's wrong?

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10 years ago

"Jun! Your father is here. Come and greet him"

"Yeay! Dad!"

The 1st grade boy ran to the entrance opening the door and hug the person behind it. It was his father. It has been a month since the last time the two see each other. Hanjun's father works in Seoul. So he can only meet his father a few times in a month or even once in a couple of months.

There's nothing they can do about it because his father works in a well-known company and his father was a key person in the company. He was the CEO of a company called CUBE Entertainment. A company that manages celebrities and artist such as idol groups, actors and musicians.

"Dad!" Hanjun jumped into his father's arms, hugging him tightly to let his father knows that he missed him so much.

"Junnie~ how's my little boy doing? Do you miss me that much?" his father returned the hug as he caressed Hanjun's hair.

"I miss you sooo much dad!"

"I miss you too son" The old man gives Hanjun a kiss on his forehead.

Hanjun's mother who was standing in front of the two people having their father and son moment together. Hanjun's father glance up and see his wife smiling at them, waiting her turn to be embraced patiently. He let go of his son and bring his wife into a warm embrace.

"Welcome home"

"Thank you honey *smiles*"

The two gave each other a little peck in the mouth, looking into each other eyes with full of lovely affection. "Ewww..." Hanjun's covers his eyes seeing his parents being lovey-dovey. The two just laugh at their child doings and continue walking inside the house.

"How was job?"

"So far everything has been good. We're debuting a new group this summer, so I have to attend some meetings here and there with other companies in order to make sure everything goes as scheduled. But I got a week of this month! Been looking forward to spend time with my family"

"I hope everything goes well dear"

"I hope so too"

"Dad! What group are you talking about?"

The man looks at his curious son. Giving him a smile before replied to him.

"A boy group Jun"

"Boy group? What kind of boy group?"

"An idol group. A group that sings and dances on stage"

"A group that sing and dance?"

"Yes, dear. They will perform in front of a big crowd. And touring all over the world"

"Woah! Really? That sounds amazing!"

"Right? Haha"

The little boy's eyes sparkled after listening to what his father just said. His head was already imagining the things his father said. 'Around the world... wow...'

"Can I join a group too?!!"

"Well, listen here kid. You are still too young to be in one. Let think about it later. Have you readied Jun?"

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