Chapter 9: I'm here for you

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10 years ago

"I got her bags! Take her glasses too!"

"Hahaha look at her with her glasses on, so uglyyy"

"Noo! Please give my things back!"

The little girl pleaded at the other kids that was bullying her by taking her stuffs. She was hopeless as she tried to take back her belongings that was tossed back and forth by the bullies. The other kid swiftly steals her glasses from her while she was distracted by the other one.

"Yah! Give my glasses back!"

"Na ah! Why did you even wear this? It so ugly on you"

The kid say then throws away her glasses to the air. The little girl tried to catch it but with no avail. The kid beside her extended his leg tripping the girl down to the floor. She landed on her face, making her nose became red from the bruise.

The pain from the fall makes the girl cries. The bullies surround her and laugh the crying girl.

"Hahaha. Looks who's crying over here?"

"She looks soooo uwglyyy. Hahaha"

"No one likes you. That's why no one cares about you. Hahaha"

"Why should someone be friends with her? I can't stand looking at her with glasses on"

The rest of them keep laughing and mocking the little girl. While the girl just lies down on the floor hopeless. They're right. No one cares to help here because she didn't have any friends. It was because of her glasses that makes everyone looks away from her.

And because of her appearances, kids on her school always bullied her. Almost every day on lunch break or after school, kids in other class especially the boys will start teasing her. The kids in her class didn't disturb her but isn't friendly to her also. They just didn't care about her.

'Why does everyone hates me...'

While the bullies were laughing at her, someone throws a ball to one of them. Hitting his face causing her nose to bleed out. The kid wails in pain while touching his nose.

"Aw! Who did that!"

The ball rolled back to the person who throws it. All of them look at the person with anger.

"It's me. I'm the one who throws it"

"Are you messing with me!"

"No, I'm giving back what you should've deserves for hurting that girl over there"

"What did you just-"

Before the boy let the bully finished his words, he throws the ball again at the bully face making him fall to the ground now crying.

"Wow I thought you were tough for bullying people. But look at you, crying for your mom"

The bully glares at the boy and direct his friend to charge on him. The other three bullies then started charging at him. The boy gets worried that the bullies are now charging at him. Even when he looks so tough and fearless in front of them, but fighting is not what he's good at.

He whispered to himself.

'Oh no... I'm doomed'

The boy brace himself and punch the first kid in the front. He punches the kid face making him fall before another one comes and successfully stopped him with a kick on his stomach.

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