Chapter 10: Nayeon's feelings

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8 Years ago

"Ouch!! It hurts!"

"That's why I said stay still! Gosh Jun why don't you listen to me once!"

Said the girl who was now treating the cut on Hanjun's lips.

"I told you already, it was just a small cut. You don't have to-"

"Just shut up for a sec Jun! A wound is wound, doesn't matter how big it is, it needs to be treated" The girl was getting frustrated from the restless boy in front of her.


Hanjun clench his shirt from the pain as he doesn't want to make too much of a movement. After the girl wipes clean the cut and applied a band aid on top of it, she finally finished and let Hanjun sit on the bed.

The girl packed back the first aid kit and throw away the trash to the bin before taking a sit in front Hanjun. She crossed her hand and glares at him. Hanjun become uneasy from the stare and ask her.

"What are you staring at..."

"Why did you fight them again?! I said don't fight with them again, haven't I? You don't need to get yourself beat up again! Do you hear me? Why did-"

"I fight with them because they keep bothering you! And I don't like that!"

The girls sighed, hearing what he just said.

"I've already told you. You don't need to do that. I'm fine..."

"No! You are not! I know it hurts you when they bothered you. I don't like to see you got hurt! I don't like to see them hurt you again!"

Hanjun said. And just like what he just said, the girl always got bullied in school by the students. Since the day that Hanjun saves the girl two years ago, he always there to protect her.

He can't stop from getting into fights when he saw students bother her. He will just rush forward and punch all the kids who make the girl hurt. Because every time he saw the tears and the sad look on the girl's face, he too gets hurt from it. He will do anything to make the girl safe and to not get hurt.

He just wants the girl to always have the beautiful smile that he knows on her. Because the smile on her face, makes Hanjun feel happy too. He just wants the girl to always have a cheerful and bright smile on her lips and also in her life.

The girls look at Hanjun and smile at his words. What he just said makes her glad and pleased.

'Why did you always make my heart warmth Jun?"

"If they hurt you again next time, tell me. I'm going to beat their ass off"

"*Chuckled* You can't even fight, Jun. You're the one who will get beat off *Laugh*"

"What are you talking about? I do know to fight!"

"Oh please Jun you're not. You can't even throw a straight punch to one of them *Laugh*"

"Shut up! I don't care if I can fight or not. Well, I admit it that I don't know how to fight... But! It didn't stop me from coming and save you again. Don't worry about that. I will be your hero"

"Gosh. Okay okay that's enough, you make me cringe *Chuckled*"

"You are always my hero, Jun"


Nayeon POV

I don't know what I should do right now. I can't stop my body from trembling. I'm scared. I really don't want to look at his face right now. After all he makes me like this, he cheated on me.

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