6- Balls

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*picture of skiavo*


My eyes widen with shock, this 6'3 giant built like an angry bull covered in tattoos slapped the rude purple woman.
I don't really like her but she did not deserve that.

"Get her ready in 10." His voice was so deep it felt unreal, I could feel the vibration from his voice in my empty stomach.

And almost on cue, my belly lets out the loudest rumble possible and all eyes turned towards me.

His black eyes stared into my own with a look that read "I could fucking cut u in half and drill u on a plank of wood for fun right now" and for some reason, I was very scared.

I cast my eyes down , feeling naked in my light white gawn .

"If only I was a spawn ."

My eyes widen, he'd said that so lightly and amost whispery. I was flattered but I told myself to calm down, he may be a tall sexy muscular man with strong features and a beard , but I must remember the reason why I am here and how unjust that is.

Instantly and I made my self de-attracted to him.... if that was possible.
Cause goddamn the way his muscles flexed as he crossed his arms and the way he was clearly trying to suppress a smirk from me clearly checking him out.

"Get the dollie dressed now."
His eyes locked with mine and with one step he was our of the door frame .

The purple that got slapped shot up and did the strangest thing I think I'll ever witness .

She started jumping and screaming. With joy?

The longer I stayed the weirder they became and I was starting to get rather scared and worried about , you can't escape a scary house with a bunch of weirdos... it's just not possible.

"Skiavo actually TOUCHED me !! Like ON MY FACE!!"
They all did some group hug squealing jumpy thing.

Skiavo , was not exactly hot. I mean he's appealing-maybe- if the beard went.... but he definitely wasn't pretty enough to slap anyone so hard they fly across the whole floor .

Then again they were the slim thick version of umpa lumpas.

Still doesn't justify his actions.

No man can be pretty enough to disrespect someone and get that type of response .

"He just slapped u babes."
I don't know what I was hoping to gain from this statement but I did earn me a dirty look .

I grow my eyes at her confused beyond understanding and just sat down i front of the vanity table and let them do my make up whilst gossiping about the male workers.

Skiavo being a hot topic.

Once all the makeup was done the wompa lompas left and the room felt verry quiet until the door was bust open by a small elf man with dirty blond hair and a healthy fat complexion, the stomped in a bouncy way strait towards me , his face resembled that of count Olaf from a series of unfortunate events but less angry more stressed. He was basically covered in the fabrics he was carrying.

He drops the fabrics onto the bed dramatically and lets out a puff before putting his hand on his waist and looking at me with a raised brow.

His eyes travelled up and don't my body rests on my chest for a long second, before meeting my chest.

Pulling out a flamboyant fan from god knows where and opening it dramatically.

My hand snaps over my chest and I instantly feel very uncomfortable being in a robe in front of this guy.
"Please petite fille, I'm definitely not interested, I haven't been interested for the past 145 years, I don't think you of all people could change that." He started to fan his face batting his lashes, that hurt a bit .

He didn't look like a 145-year-old, more of a young-looking 52-year-old Slovakian gay man.

I look down still shy and loosen my arms from around my chest.

His hand instantly grabs both of them at once in once simple motion and in that same simple motions my hands fly across his face.

"WHAT THE FUCK MAN ?!" My cheeks became pink and the tips of my ears became hot, not because of embarrassment but more so of anger.

This was sexual assault and I was not standing for it .

The Gay Slovakian french tit grabber rubbed his head and burst into laughter, each one of his giggly laughs made my blood boil even faster.

" 36 d" he giggled and walked off to his note pad to jot it down , he began to sketch out something while I stayed there absolutely stunned on the accuracy.

I grab my own boobs and wonder how he could just guess so accurately my size .

" I donno you know, I've just always had a good feel with boobs , shame I find them to all look like b-tec bottoms ."
He answered casually continuing to sketch out some sort of flowy dress.

I peer over his shoulder trying to gain an understanding of the frig I'm going to be wearing to whatever ball this is .

"You're a very smart girl Amber , I admire that about you, sweetheart,"


"Most girls, like your friends, make a fuss , try to run away.... now I don't know if someone has told you this or if your simply just plotting your silent escape but there is no way back from where your at now ,"

He was right.
I was plotting to escape, my only issue is as he said , it looked impossible. I'd been here for one day now and caught a glims of outside through a window, I don't know what floor I'm on by looking down you can't see the ground just black clouds and red lightning volts that run through the clouds, crows flew high above the close near my window, although they were the kinds of the bird chain in this universe.

Back home if someone has told me about another universe I would have said it's probably somewhere out there in space, and if you would have asked me humans will ever reach it I would have said no.
But now thinking about it I know I'm not on earth for the things I've seen here don't exist at home , the creatures , the sky , the roads everything about this place is off and not normal.

Like for example we came here on a boat I don't know how we got on the boat or how long we'd been off the boat for . Once we got off the boat we were taken into a car and drove up to a hill will a gold exterior , yet once I looked out the window not only did I feel like the buildings that I saw wasn't this long but the exterior as far as I could see wasn't gold but more of a dark red / black colour with black lilies sprouting from the cracks of the bricks .

"Now dear don't look so down , your a gift , you could have been a slave , but clearly King Sin saw something in you , especially if he saved you for last Pettit."
His motherly voices awed and gave me me a small hug .

I hadn't realised my tears , until one landed on his expensive leather suit, I let out a small sniff and whipped my nose ,"sorry" I mutter escaping his embrace making me way towards the only window in these 4 walls.

"I know these are tough times for you , you've just been taken away from home to a foreign universe and is being dressed up to spend the rest of eternity with a stranger who happens to be a sexy king and your lost and want to leave but sweetheart I promise , PROMISE that if u run they won't even kill you . The residents here are evil , your beautiful, they'll just strip u naked put a collar on you and sell you as a pet to a vampire, we're you'll most likely get drained in less than 24 hours . That my dear is the reality of this situation, as a gift you'll live life easily, the king will probably find a queen in the next 10 years and you'll just nurse there child and look after the queen ." He lead me to the chair and started brushing out my locks.

I let out a deep breath and try grasp this all at once , I gusse it's not that bad .
I'm not gonna let go of the idea that I may one day find my freedom but for now I'll just let fate take the lead.

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