𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘺 // 𝙢𝙞𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙧, 𝙢𝙞𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙧

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Highkey wanted to include this in part 3 of Jon and Em, but it got too long and wasn't related, so I guess this is Part 2.5. Takes place in early 2161 I guess, way before she got pregnant and the Federation showed up.

Legacy is up as its own book!

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Emory didn't know what to do. She was on the Enterprise, and the ship had just received word that the aliens were holding Jonathan hostage. The brunette gave a sigh, pulling her ponytail a little bit tighter and shaking her head, climbing into the shuttle.

"Lieutenant Archer, are you sure you want to go?" Reed asked, raising a brow. He'd never taken Emory to be someone who'd willingly jump into combat. Her reputation on the Enterprise was of more of a "soft" girl.

Emory gave a huff and folded her arms, giving a nod. She knew she looked a little hesitant, but she wanted to go. "Yes. I've had target practice. I'll be fine."

Malcolm didn't say anything else, which she was grateful for. Emory had volunteered to go get her husband with some of the other officers. This was the fourth time in a week he'd been used as the galaxy's punching bag and she was sick of it.

At this point, she was so sick of it that he'd become her punching bag.

The ride down was mostly silent, with reports of positioning and where to land. When they did land, the MACOs jumped out of the shuttle first, pointing their phase pistols around before nodding to the rest of the people that it was safe to get out. Emory drew her phase pistol as she stepped out, pointing it like they'd taught her, scanning the area and listening to others' orders. According to the officers that returned, Archer had been the hero (again) and distracted the guards long enough for them to return to Enterprise. The place they were holding him wasn't far, but Emory didn't care how far it was. Right now, she just wanted her husband back, alive and in one piece.

The brunette stepped carefully on the new planet, heading in the direction that they'd ordered her. This one had one of the worst conditions she'd been in; it was raining, dark, and muddy. In fairness, she hadn't been on too many planets.

Em gave a little sigh as her baby hairs started sticking to her face. No matter how much she tried to get them to stay back, there were always a few that fell down in her face. Great. She walked for a few more minutes when something grabbed her shoulder from behind. Instinct took over, and she turned around, smacking whatever or whomever it was in the face. She instantly pointed her phaser at it before lowering it and giving a sigh of relief.


Oops. He kind of deserved it. Four times in one week was a little excessive.

The brunette bit her lip and looked back at her husband, who was holding his nose. She gave a wince, knowing that he could court-martial her if he wanted to. Thankfully, she knew he wouldn't. "Oh, god. Sorry, Jonathan."

"It's fine," he gave a sigh, "We have to get back to the shuttlepod. Which way is it?"

Em grabbed his hand and pulled him back the way she'd come, flipping open her communicator. "Lieutenant Archer to Enterprise. I've found him."

The two didn't get very far when the aliens surrounded them with their own weapons drawn. "Drop your weapon! Hands in the air!"

Hopefully they find us, Emory thought before slowly lowering her weapon. She regretted coming down and knew that Jon would have preferred to stay on the ship. He liked knowing that she was safe, but in situations like these, Emory got a little too worried and volunteered for the mission. It was one of the few times she'd been chosen.

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