Book VII: A Master and his Doll

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Chapter LIV

     My name is Silas, the Sixth Driver of the Aegis and supposed reincarnation of the Fourth. After being disgraced and beaten by the more sinister Fifth Driver, and proven that I wasn't anything special, I fled. I gave up and left it all behind, because I was scared. I was aiding the Aegis, but only because I felt powerful, not because I was selfless. I am no hero, hell I'm not even a good driver. In fact I feel like I'm no better than Adonis. Over the course of this entire adventure, I've been constantly scared or confused. None of that has changed, I'm still scared and I still don't understand everything. However, that doesn't matter anymore because I made a promise. People count on me to grow up, to make decisions even I don't feel like I should have the authority to make. I'm only twenty, it's not fair that I was thrown into this conflict, into this war. But I'm not going to let that stop me, everyone was right. I have to protect the people who have done nothing but protect me. So even if I'm not Alrest's greatest driver, it's about time I started trying to be.


     "What do you want peon?" Juliani asked me, I was honestly surprised she even let me in her building, especially after the whole Poppi and Lila debacle.

     "Adonis took Mythra, and I don't know where, would you know where he'd keep her?" I questioned simply.

     Juliani let out a laugh. "Even if I did know where he'd hide that bitch, what makes you think that I'd help you?"

     "You tried to kill my adorable driver! It's the least you could do to make it up!" Azami yelled, flustered.

     "Azami stop," I interrupted before she could go any farther. "That'll get us nowhere."

     "I don't recall inviting that disgusting broken marionette doll," Juliani glared.

     "Let's just focus," I said, trying to diffuse the situation. "If Adonis had some facility to make the most powerful weapons on the planet his own, there's no way you wouldn't keep tabs on him."

     Juliani grinned as she hopped on top of her desk to look me in the face. "You're correct. It seems you're not as dumb as you look peon. I'll willingly tell you where it is, if you'll do one thing for me."

     "I won't bring you Poppi or Rafi," I said quickly.

     Juliani laughed. "What makes you think I want anything to do with those idiots? No, I simply want you to be part of the Argentum Entertainment House."

     "What would I be doing?" I questioned.

     "Entertaining, of course."

     "I don't like where this is going," Azami said, obviously uncomfortable.

     I wasn't about to give up, not again. "Fine, but let's make it quick. And Azami goes with me."

     "Brilliant, two birds with one stone! Guards, begin!" she ordered.

     Two guards came behind us and threw bags over our heads.


     As Canaan approached the BCCHQ, he knew one thing clearly. Adonis wasn't there, there was no chance in hell. However, Violet was, and that was his main target.

     Normally, he would have already done a large amount of research, however there was no recorded research of Violet or Acacia Uzuki anywhere, Zane had already confirmed this before he died.

     From their last encounter, he knew she was nothing to laugh at. Canaan had returned home and gathered up whatever other devices Zane left. It contained an ether dampener, just like he used with Mòrag, an insanely powerful ether shield, some ether grenades, and one last hoverboard.

     This had to work. He got on his hoverboard and begin flying up the building.


     "FRIENDS COME QUICK!" Poppi shouted from the other room.

     "What going on?" Rafi asked as he walked into the room. Everyone else soon followed.

     "Hello my lovelies!" Juliani said through the TV. "I have a new story for you, I have personally apprehended the perpetrator charged with stealing the power of an Aegis!"

     "She has Silas?!" Acacia asked.

     "No doubt, figures he was one step ahead of us," Gabriel added.

     "But why would he go it alone?" Malos questioned aloud.

     "Nice to see you out of your room sunshine," Acacia mocked.

     Malos rolled his eyes.

     Juliani continued. "If you'd like to see what I plan to do with him, he will be performing at the Argentum Entertainment Center where he will meet his untimely end! It's free for you pretty females and even open to men who'd like to donate to a good cause!"

     "No!" Rafi exclaimed rather loudly, making everyone jump.

     "This ain't good," Gabriel added.

     "Something I'm missing?" Sonata asked.

     "Anyone who goes in, never leave alive. It's how my daddapon died," Rafi admitted.

     "As far as I've been told, it's some kind of arena. People like Juliani who push their opinions as fervently as possible and shun and humiliate any who disagree go to get their sick fun watching people they disagree with get mauled to death," Gabriel explained.

     "Who're the usual targets?" Acacia questioned.

     "Anyone with money or power, or anyone Juliani dislikes. From BAP blades to people of wealth who refuse to donate to her to any male she hates at the time."

     "Silas can't die like that!" Poppi exclaimed. "We have to go now!"

     "We'll be there in a few hours, we're going as fast as we can," Acacia said.

     "Silas not have that long," Rafi replied. "Longest anyone ever last is forty minutes."

Readability Level: 11-12th Grade
Time Taken: 2.5 Hours

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