What the fuck?

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Ella's POV

Once I got home, it was dark, I got out and grabbed everything. But before I did anything, I put oil in my car. It took me awhile but I did it. Once the bottle was gone, I threw it away. I locked the car, I patted the cars hood. "Night buddy, see ya Tomorrow", I said before taking everything with me. I walked on dads path so I didn't get yelled at, like Sam usually does. I walked into the house.

"Hey", I said as I saw my parents. They both turned away from the tv to see me. "Ella bear", mom said as she hugged me. I smiled. I loved when mom hugged me. "Hey ma", I said hugging her back. "Where were you?", dad asked. I pulled away from
Moms hug. "I just went by the nearest car wash and washed my car, I got some goodies on the way home, I got mom her favorite". I said handing her the packaged chocolates. She smiled and kissed my cheek. "Thank you Ellie", she said. She sat next to dad. "And I didn't forget you dad", I said as I pulled out the packaged Twinkie's. I threw them to him. Which he caught. He smiled. I knew he loved Twinkie's. He hugged me and kissed my forehead. "Thank you baby girl", he said smiling at me. "No problem dad, well I'm going to go to my room and watch some tv before I go to bed", I said. They both said they're good nights to me. I then preceded to walk up the stairs to my room. I opened my door to my room and closed it. I threw my keys on my desk, I threw my bag of chips on my bed and I changed into some comfortable clothes. Some shorts and my favorite tank top shirt.

I threw my dirty clothes in my hamper

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I threw my dirty clothes in my hamper. I turned off the light and plopped myself onto my bed, I turned the tv on, I ate my chips while surfing the channels. I finally stopped on one. Nice. Fast and furious. I've watched all of them. I've watched 1, 2, and 3, I can't wait till four comes out. I totally have a thing for Dominic Toretto. He so hot. Letty is one lucky bitch. So I watched it as I ate my chips.

A hour later (spongebob)

I totally fell asleep with a chip hanging out of my mouth.

Hours later (spongebob)

I was jolted awake. I sat up in a hurry. I could hear my car being turned on. Wait what? I looked at my desk. My keys were still there. Holy shit! My cars getting jacked! I got up and slipped on some shoes and grabbed my skateboard. I ran down stairs and out of the house. I dropped my board and jumped on it. Following behind my car. The dumb fuck better know what he's getting into. I could hear sam behind me.

Wait did they also steal his car too? What the hell is happening? I followed after my car. I followed it to some junk yard. Why the hell would they stop here? I jumped off my board and started to run. Fuck it was cold. I was only wearing shorts. I then saw Sam. "Whats happening?", i hissed at him. "Some one stole my car", he whispered. I raised an eyebrow. "Wow ain't that a coincidence, someone stole my car too", i hissed at him. We walked by the water. But once I looked up. I froze. My eyes widened and my mouth gaped open. What the fuck?

The yellow one, Must be sams car. Showed a light around. "Oh my god", Sam whispered. The blue one, which was probably mine, stood tall by the yellow one. Mine seemed to be taller then the yellow one. I was confused though, why was the yellow shinning a light into the sky? It shone in my face. But I was still frozen. I couldn't believe it. That..........was so cool! A smile lit up on my face. Holy shit! My cars a fucking robot!

I was pulled down with Sam. He started to make a video. Oh great. I don't think this is going to go very well. I honestly don't think it is. Once he was done being a dumbass, we started to move again. But of course, there had to be dogs. We both heard a bark and then we ran because well we had freaking dogs running after us. We ran and ran, and then jumped off of some blocks of cement. Sam of course fell. He's so fucking clumsy. He started to yell at the dogs, as if they were going to listen. We ran into a dome looking building. We both ran to a block looking thing and stood on it so we wouldn't get attacked by the dogs.

I just held onto Sam so I wouldn't get bit. But here comes Sam's car and mine to the rescue. Yes! We're saved! The dogs ran off. "Okay. Please, please don't kill us!", Sam yelled. I rolled my eyes. They just saved us dude. "I'm sorry take the keys! I don't want them! Cars yours!", Sam yelled. Well technically he is the car dumb ass. He threw the keys at the yellow and black stripped car. He jumped down of the block. And ran outside. I followed. Only to be stopped by the police. I held up my hands.

"Let me see your hands!", the police officer yelled. Sam tried to reason with them. But there was no use with talking with them. "Shut up! Walk towards the car", the police yelled.

We listened. "Put your heads on the hood", the police officer said. We again listened. We were then arrested. The police officer put handcuffs on us. "Hey watch it! Don't touch me like that!", I yelled at the guy who dared to put his dirty hands on my ass. We were pulled back and thrown into the back of the car.

Oh great. What are we going to tell our parents? We're so screwed.

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