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Ella's POV

Now we got out of the car and into a helicopter with a blonde haired girl and a fat guy. I didn't say anything. I just looked out the window for the time being. I wasn't in the mood to talk. "So.....", Sam said. "What'd they get you for?", the blonde haired lady said. Apparently her name is Maggie. "Uh, me and my sister bought two cars and turned they out to be aliens robots", Sam said. I sighed and just looked out the window. "Wow", the fat guy said. Apparently his name is glen. "Who knew?", Sam said. Apparently not us. I rolled my eyes and just out the window.

Third person POV

The Autobot's stationed somewhere near the hover dam. They surrendered each other. Optimus was holding the glasses that Ella had dropped. "Please let this work", he said. He turned to the other remaining Autobot's. "Fire it up, Optimus", jazz said. Optimus touched a part of his helm and a hologram showed, a imprint of the globe. "The code, the code on these glasses indicate the all spark is 230 miles from here", Optimus said. "I sense the deceptions are getting ready to mobilize", ratchet said. "They must know it's here, as well", ironhide said.

"What about bumblebee, we can't just leave him to die and become some human experiment!", jazz said.

"He'll die in vain if we don't accomplish our mission, bumblebee is a brave warrior, this is what he would would want", Optimus said. "What are we fighting to save the humans? They're a primitive and violet race", ironhide argued back. Jazz hit him behind the helm. "Our sparkmate is human you idiot", jazz said. "I know that, I meant the other humans", ironhide said. Optimus turned to look at ironhide. "We're we so different? They're a young species, they have much to learn, but I've seen goodness in them, freedom is the right of all sentiments beings, you all know there's only one way to end this war, we must destroy the cube, if all else fails, I will unite it with the spark in my chest", Optimus said whole opening his chest plates. "That's suicide, you don't know what that would do Ella, If we except the spark bond, we have no idea if it would affect her", ratchet said. "We haven't excepted the spark bond yet, it won't harm her if we don't expect it, I rather deny the spark bond and sacrifice my life so she can live hers", Optimus said. The others looked at him. They knew they couldn't change his mind on this. They only hopped they wouldn't have to go this way.

Ella's POV
We had gotten out of the helicopter and into a black car. I sat next to Sam, I looked out the window. But suddenly I felt a pain in my chest. I clenched my fists together. I closed my eyes and tried to breathe through the pain. Man it felt like my heart was on fire. But as soon as it hit, it went away. I opened my eyes and breathed in and out. I had no idea what the fuck that was. But at this moment I really didn't want to know. And soon we stopped at the hover Dam. I've never been here before. We got out and I looked below. Wow that is one hell of a drop. Whoever is stupid enough to jump has a death wish. I followed after they told us to move. I had no idea where I'm going, but I really wish I had a pair of fucking pants! But then I saw the man responsible. I growled softly. I tried to attack him, but Sam being Sam, stopped me. I glared at Simmons. I clenched my teeth. I did not like this asshole!

He was wearing black shades and different clothes from the last time I saw him. "Hey kid, beautiful", he said looking at me. I flipped him off. "I think we got off to a bad start, huh?", he said. A bad start? He fucking took my car! He put a hand on Sam's shoulder. "You must be hungry, you want a latte? Hoho? Double venti macchiato?", he asked. I sneered at him. Asshole. "Where's our cars?", Sam asked. That's what I wanted to know. And then weirdo number 2 came over with black glasses on. God what is it with men wearing these black shades? "Son, I need you to listen to me very carefully, people can die here, we need to know everything you know, we need to know it now", weirdo number 2 said. I guess I can call him number 2, since I don't know his name. "Okay, but first we'll take our cars, our parents. Maybe you should write that down, her juvie record, that's got to be gone, like forever, and give my sister a freaking pair of pants, Since you guys didn't let her get a chance to change", Sam said. Finally! Some fucking pants!

"Come with me, we'll talk about your car", number 2 said. I followed after the man. I was just excited to get some pants on, and get my car back. After getting some fresh pants, I was happy. We followed Simmons the assbutt into the hover dam, with other people. I stood next to the guy in the military get up. I nodded my head at him in greeting. "All rights here's the situation, you've all had direct contact with the NBE's", Simmons said. I rolled my eyes. "NBE's?", the other guy in the military get up asked. "Non-Biological Extraterrestrials. Try and keep up with the acronyms", Simmons said. I clenched my fist, I really wanted to punch this asshole. We soon walked into a tunnel. "What your about to see is totally classified", Simmons said. Once I looked at it, I knew we were fucked. It had to be him. It's fucking megawennie! I nudged Sam.

"It's him", I whispered to Sam. "I know", he said. "Dear god, what is this?", the man with the white and grey hair said. I think his name is John Keller or something. "We think when he made his approach over the North Pole, our gravitational field messed up his telemetry, he crashed in the ice, probably a few hundred years ago, we shipped him here to this facility in 1934", Banachek said. I'm starting to learn names. That's good. "We call him NBE one", Simmons said. Idiot. I rolled my eyes. "Well Mr. know-it-all, your wrong, but that giant idiot right there, his name is megatron, but I just call him megawennie, he's the leader of the deceptions", I said crossing my arms over my chest. I heard the two military guys laugh. "I like this girl", the black military guy said. I smiled a little. "He's been in cryostasis since 1935, your great-great-great grandfather made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of man kind", Banachek said. "Fact is your looking at the source of the modern age, the microchip, lasers, space flight, cars, all reverse-engineered by studying him. NBE one, that's what we call it", Simmons said getting in my face. I sneered at him and growled. Try me bitch.

"And you didn't think the United States military might need to know that your keeping a hostile Alien robot frozen in the basement?", John asked Banachek. "Until these events, we had no credible threat to national security", Banachek said. "Well you got one now", John said. "So why earth?", Lennox asked. I asked him what his name was earlier. He's cool. I can tell we're going to get along just great. "It's the all spark", me and Sam said at the same time. We looked at each other. I rolled my eyes. "All spark, what is that?", John Keller asked. He sounded confused. Which I would have been if I didn't know what it was. "Well yeah, they came here looking for some sort of cube-looking thing. Anyway Mr. NBE one here, AKA megatron, that's what they call him, who pretty much the harbinger of death, wants to use the cube to transform human technology to take over the universe, that's they're plan", Sam said. "Your sure about that?", Simmons asked. I glared at him. "We're pretty sure", I sneered at him. He ignored me. Oh what a man you are.

Sam looked at Simmons. Like he knew something. "You guys know where it is, don't you?", Sam said. I raised both eyebrows. Well I got to give him pointers. I thought he would be bad at this, but I got to admit, he's pretty good at negotiating. "Follow me", Banachek said. Oh goodie, more stuff to see. What next?

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