The glasses

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Ella's POV

Evac drove me to the back of the house. Good thing they didn't drive in the front, we got nosy ass neighbors. I got out. "Thanks Evac", I whispered. I ran towards the back door. Making sure I made my choices wisely. I walked on the path. I saw dad at the screen door. "Thanks for walking on my path sweetie", he said. I walked in, I smiled at him. "No problem", I said. He kissed my cheek. I then made my way up the stairs. I'll check if he put them back in my room. But then I heard a commotion outside my window. I looked out my window. Holy shit! The yard is thrashed. Holy fuck! "Sam! What the fuck?!", I whispered yelled. He looked up at me. "Your not helping Ella", he whispered yelled back at me. I rolled my eyes. "Well it would be easier to know where they are if you told me where the glasses were", I said sticking my tongue out at him. He just rolled his eyes. So I went back to looking for the glasses. I looked under my bed, in my drawers, on top of my dresser. Ugh! I swear. It's too hot in these fucking clothes. So I put on my pajamas.

I took off my shirt and pulled my do not disturb shirt on, and my short shorts on, well they weren't really short, because I was short and they came up to my lower thigh

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I took off my shirt and pulled my do not disturb shirt on, and my short shorts on, well they weren't really short, because I was short and they came up to my lower thigh. I sighed, that's better and I went back to looking.

Third person POV

The Autobot's snooped around. While bumblebee watched Sam's and Ella's parents, jazz went and looked into Ella's. But at the time she was changing. His optics grew wide. His fans turned on. Showing that he was blushing. He stood there for a few seconds before he felt a servo hit his helm. He let out a silent ow. He turned around and saw ratchet. "Seriously jazz, not when she's changing, you could have at least some decency", ratchet said glaring at him. "But ratchet, she's beautiful", jazz whined. "Yes she is, but that doesn't mean you have to watch her undress, I swear you act like a sparkling most of the time", Ratchet said shaking his helm. He walked off, but not before he took a peak himself. Jazz was right about one thing. They're sparkmate was beautiful.

Jazz hung out by her window. "Hey little mama", he said. Making her jump. "Jesus jazz, you scared the hell out of me", she said putting a hand to her chest. He smiled. "Sorry darlin", he said. She blushed at the nickname. "Are you flirting with me jazz?", she asked lifting a eyebrow. "Would you be mad if I said yes?", he asked. She giggled and shook her head. "No, not at all", she said. There was still a blush on her cheeks. He thought she looked beautiful when she blushed. Then her eyes widened. "The kitchen, Sam usually puts his backpack in the kitchen, thanks jazz", she said before running out of the room. He smiled, that's his sparkmate. Only if he was able to tell her, then she would be........."my girl", he whispered. He then went to join the others.

Ella's POV

I ran down the stairs, being careful not to step on mojo. I ran into the kitchen. I found Sam's backpack. I dug through the smelly backpack, I really didn't know what he puts in there, but I really didn't want to know. I dug through it till I got to the bottom. My hand grasped around something. I pulled it out, it was the glasses case. I hope they were in here. I opened it and there they lay. The glasses! Yes! I did it! I found them! Yippie! "Sam! I found them!", I yelled. But then the house started to shake, what the fuck? I shook my head, most be one of them. The lights went out. I heard dad yelling. "Earthquake! Earthquake! Get in the tub!", he yelled. I snickered.

"Ella are you okay?", I heard dad say. "I'm fine, in the kitchen", I said. Then they went upstairs to go check on Sam. How did he not hear me upstairs. I swear, he only hears things when he wants to.

And then there was a knock on the door. Dad opened it, I couldn't really hear they're conversation. A man walked in, he screamed suspicious. He saw me and winked at me. Ew! Gross! "How you doin princess?", he asked me winking. Ew! "Eat dirt old timer", I sneered at him. I ran upstairs. "Sam!", I yelled. This was not good. This was not good at all! "Sam!", I yelled again. He came running down the stairs. "What?", he asked. "First I found them, and second, there are government guys downstairs", I said. He looked behind him to see Mikaela. "Come on", he said. We walked down the stairs to see old timer talking to dad. He then saw us.

"What is this?", Sam asked. The guy threw a bat at another guy for some reason. "How you doin, son? Is your name Sam?", he asked. "Yeah", Sam said. "Well I need you and your beautiful sister to come with us", he said. I stood next to Sam. I ain't going anywhere. I crossed my arms over my chest. "Whoa way out of line, you aren't taking my daughter or my son", dad said getting in front of us. "Sir I'm asking politely. Back off", old timer said. I ain't going anywhere. "Your not taking my daughter or my son", dad said. Mojo started to bark. "Really? You gonna try to get rough with us?", he said. "If we have too", I said holding my fists up, ready to punch the lights out of this asshole. But dad pushed me back. "No, but I'm gonna to call the cops because there's something fishy going on around here", dad said.

Old timer laughed. "Yeah. There's something a little fishy about you, your son, your freakishly beautiful daughter, your little Taco Bell dog and this whole operation you got going on here", old timer said. Dad looked confused. "What operation?", he asked. "This is what we're gonna to find out", old timer said. Then another guy came over to the old timer. He wasn't very good at whispering. "I think direct contact", he told old timer. Then old timer looked at us. He looked shocked. They must know about the Autobot's then. He was handed some weird device. "Son?", he asked Sam. "Yeah?", Sam asked. "Step forward, please", old timer said. "Just stand?", Sam asked. Old timer scanned Sam, it went off, old timer was shocked. Then he scanned me. It went off. "Fourteen rads, bingo! Tag them and bag them!", he yelled.

I was grabbed and hand cuffed. I struggled in the arms that held me. Oh hell no! I was taken outside. Shit it was cold! "Let me go! Get your filthy hands off of me!", I yelled. I stomped on the guys foot. Making him let go of me. I swung and hit the guy in the face with my foot. I then kicked him in the nards. He fell to the ground holding his nuts. "Don't you ever put your hands on me again!", I sneered. But I was grabbed again. I thrashed around and elbowed the guy in the stomach. He fell back, I kicked him in the face. Knocking the shit out of him.

But then I was tackled to the ground. I groaned in pain. "You hurt my daughter or my dog I will kick your ass!", my mother yelled as she was being escorted to one of the black cars.

I was yanked back up. I groaned again. Ow! "Ow!", I said loudly. That fucking hurts. I was put in a different car since Sam and Mikaela took up space in the other one. I was stuck with nuts for brains. I growled lowly under my breath. I then smirked. "How's the nuts?", I asked smirking at him. He glared at me. He then slapped me across the face hard. Yeah, totally going to bruise.

I laughed despite the pain I felt. "You hit like a little girl", I said laughing. He growled under his breath and started to drive.

Third person POV

Jazz and ironhide growled. Not liking the way the human mechs were touching they're sparkmate. Jazz went to follow the car. But he was stopped by ratchet. "We'll find her, we just need a plan", ratchet said. Jazz growled again. He didn't like this, not one bit.

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