The cube

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Ella's POV

I followed after them. I've never been to a place like this before. It was exciting. "Your about to see our crown jewel", Simmons said as we walked up some steps. He opened a door to a small office. We all walked in. Well this is awkward. The office had windows. I looked out of them, I gasped. Holy Monkey balls! That is fucking huge! (That's what she said, lol 😆). I couldn't believe my eyes. How the fuck are we going to get that out of here? It would be impossible.

I saw Sam walk over to the glass windows, next to me. "Carbon dating puts the cube here around 10,000 BC, the first seven didn't find it until 1913. They knew it was alien because of the matching hieroglyphics on the cube as well as NBE one. President Hover had the dam built around it, four football fields thick of concrete. A perfect way to hide its energy from being detected by anyone, or any Alien species on the outside", Banachek said. Whoa. That's crazy. But not surprising. I Always had a feeling that aliens would come to earth one day. Everyone thought I was crazy. I'm not so crazy now huh motherfuckers.

"Wait, Back up. You said the dam hides the cubes energy. What kind exactly?", Maggie asked. True. Very true. "Good question", Banachek said. We were then escorted to another room. There was a man with a hard hat on and glasses. And then there was a metal box. "Please step inside, they have to lock us in", Banachek said. The same guy I saw locked us in. I looked around the room. There was a lot of stuff that I didn't even know the names to. Then I saw claw marks on the walls. What the fuck?

"Anybody have any mechanical devices? Blackberry? Key alarm? Cell phone?", Simmons asked. What's he getting out of this? I pulled my blackberry out of my pocket. "It's a piece of shit anyways, here", I said throwing him my old phone. He caught it.

He put it in the metal box. He pushed a button on the box. I heard a noise come from the box. We put on goggles. The little machine in the box moved. "We're able to take the cube radiation and funnel it into that box", Simmons said. Lights went off and transformed my phone into something. It looked like a tiny bug. What the fuck? The hell is that? It started to attack the box. "Mean little sucker, huh", Simmons said. I rolled my eyes and just watched as the tiny little robot thing tried to escape. "That thing is freaky!", Maggie exclaimed. Yeah no kidding. The thing stared at me. It's red eyes giving me goosebumps. "Kind of like the itty-bitty energizer bunny from hell, huh?", Simmons said. No kidding. It's freaky looking. It started to mutter stuff in a different language I've never heard of. Then it tried to shoot it's way out of the box. What the fuck! Then it shot a fucking missile at the glass. Wow that is some sturdy ass glass. Then it started to shoot at the glass again, and then threw itself at the glass where I was standing. I flinched hard. The fuck little dude?! The hell is your problem!

I heard Simmons sigh. "He's breaking the box", he said. Kill this little bitch! There was a flash of light and then suddenly the little shit was dead. Good riddance. But a second later we felt the place shake and the lights flicker. What the hell is happening? We're under attack aren't we. Shit!

Now we really need bumblebee and Evac. "Gentlemen, they know the cube is here", John Keller said. Banachek went over to the little speaker on the desk. "Banachek, what's going on?", he asked. "Well, the NBE one hanger has lost power", the guy on the other side said. My eyes widened. What the fuck?! Does he mean that megawennie is going to come online?! Oh fuck. We're screwed. "What?!", Banachek yelled. "........and the backup generator is just not gonna cut it", the guy said. "Do you have an arms room?", Lennox asked Banachek. We all ran, we ran down a hallway and down some stairs. "Get everyone to the NBE one chamber now!", Banachek yelled. We all ran again. There was more yelling and running. My ears were pounding and I couldn't think straight. We ran down another hallway. "They're popping our generators", Banachek said. Yep we're screwed.

We ran into a room filled with tanks and guns, a lot of guns. "Forty millimeter sabot rounds on that table!", Simmons yelled. I didn't know what to do. I just stood there with Sam and Mikaela. Then there was a rumble and the lights flickered. We're totally screwed. Me and Sam ran over to Simmons. "You got to take us to our cars, you have to take us to our cars", me and Sam said at the same time. "They'll know what to do with the cube", Sam said. "Your cars? They're confiscated", Simmons said. I got angry. This asshole better get us our car or it won't be megawennie that's going to kick his ass. "Then unconfiscate it", I said angrily.
"We do not know what'll happen if we let these things near this thing!", Simmons said. "You don't", Sam said. "Maybe you know, but I don't know", Simmons said. God! We're at war here and he wants to fight over this shit. "You just want to sit here and wait and see what happens?", Sam asked. I don't. "I have people's lives at stake here, young man!", Simmons yelled. I growled lowly. I grabbed him by his shirt and slammed him on one of the cars. I sneered at him and glared. He honestly looked scared. Then Lennox came over. "Take then to they're cars!", he yelled at Simmons. Everyone had guns on everyone. Wow this escalated quickly. "Drop it", Lennox said. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!", Banachek yelled. "Drop your weapon soldier", Simmons said as if he wasn't afraid of the gun in his face. "There's a alien war going on and your gonna shoot me?", Simmons said. This asshole needs to shut the fuck up right now. "You know we didn't ask to be here and neither did these kids", Lennox said. It was true, I didn't ask to be here. "I'm ordering you under S-Seven executive jurisdiction", Simmons said. "S-Seven doesn't exist", Epps said. Wait what? Then what the hell is it?

"Right, And we don't take orders from people that don't exist", Lennox said. I swear we are wasting time here. "I'm going to count to five. Okay", Simmons said. Oh god, they're a bunch of kids. I swear. "Well I'm going to count to three", Lennox said. Please just shoot him. For the love of god. They both breathed heavily and looked at each other. Really! Come on. "Simmons?", John Keller said. "Yes sir?", Simmons asked, turning his head to look at him. "I'd do what he says. Losings really not an option for these guys", John Keller said. Simmons looked back at Lennox. "All right, okay, hey you want to lay the fate of the world on the kids Camaro, and the girls crazy ass car? That's cool", Simmons said. I glared at him when called my car crazy.

They took us to another room. I hope it's to bumblebee and Evac. Please. We need you.

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