Why me?

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Ella's POV

It took till morning before we were taken into some office with some asshole guy with a mustache.

I sat back as the guy looked at us. Dad was in back of us looking at the cop guy. His partner behind us as well. I let sam do all the talking. "Look, I cant be any clearer than how crystal clear I am being, it just stood up", he said. "It just stood up?", the douchey cop said. No shit Sherlock. I rolled my eyes and sat back with my arms crossed. They all think we're nuts or that were on drugs.

"Wow that's really neat, okay Chiefie, time to feel her up and no drippy drippy, you too sunshine", he said holding out tissues and a cup to pee in. I glared at the guy and flipped him off. Yeah like I'm going to pee in a fucking cup. "What you guys rolling? Whippets? Goofballs? A little Wowie sauce with the boys?", the douche said. Fuck you dude. I've never in my luxe touched a drug and Sam here is too chicken shit to do it. "No, we're not on drugs", Sam said. I nodded my head agreeing with him. "Never have, never will", I said glaring at him. "What are these?", the douche said holding up mojos pills. What a fucking moron. How do they get these cops these days? I have no idea.

"Found it in your pocket, "Mojo" is that what the kids are doing now? Little bit of mojo?", he said. Oh my god! I'm going to hit him so hard if he doesn't stop right now. "Those are my dogs pain pills", Sam said. "You know a chihuahua. A little.....", dad said as he tried to measure the size of mojo.

And then the guy tried to do the stupidest thing in the book. He pushed his stupid leather jacket back where his useless gun is. "What was that?", the douche said. "Hmm?", Sam said just as confused as I was. "You eyeballing my piece, 50 cent?", he said. He started to get up close to us. I fucking dare you motherfucker. "You wanna go? Make something happen, do it. 'Cause I promise you I will bust you up", he said. Oh my god, he's a fucking idiot. "Are you on drugs?", Sam whispered into the guys face. I snickered behind my hand. Oh my god, that's funny as hell. The guy did seem like he was on drugs. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't, maybe he just acts like a fucking loser.

We got to go home soon.

When we got home, I literally ran up the stairs and into my room. I flopped down on my bed and fell asleep. I didn't wake up till later.


I woke up groggily and got up. I got dressed and put on my running shoes. I was going out for a run. Well I was taking my skateboard so it wasn't going to be much of running. I grabbed my board and hurriedly walked down the stairs. "I'm going out!", I yelled to whoever cared to listen. I grabbed an apple from the table. I then walked out of the house and put my board down and jumped on. I skateboarded all over.

That was until I heard a familiar engine behind me. I slowly turned my head and saw my car behind me. Holy shit! Come on man! Why me?

I skateboarded faster. "Come on man! I treated you right didn't I?", I yelled at the car, hoping he or she would understand me. I made my way into some parking structure. I then saw Sam on moms bike. What the hell? I then saw his car after him. Oh god, why is this happening?

I skateboarded around, trying not to be killed by a devil car. Until I heard a cop car siren. Great cops. "Officer!", Sam yelled as he Biked over to the cop car. I had a bad feeling about this. I skateboarded over to them. I saw Sam bike over to the cops car door. But the door opened and knocked Sam off of his bike. He ate it. "Sam!", I yelled. I skateboarded over to him. I helped him up. "Sam don't! I don't think this is a cop at all!", I yelled at him. When I'm scared I tend to yell. "What do you mean it's not a cop, he's right there", Sam said pointing to the fake cop inside of the car. Sam then turned to the cop inside the car. "Thank god your here! I've had the worst day ever! I've been followed here on my mother's bike! Right? And my cars right there and it's been following me here! So so get out of the car!", he yelled at the cop. But then the cop car moved up, hitting us and making us hit the floor. Which hurt like a bitch. Ow!

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