Chapter 3

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I rushed to the front doors and went out to the bus stop. I didn't want to keep them waiting so I was praying that this bus would be fast.

Once I got to the school I rushed into the office out of breath and tired. This kid had me running all over the place.

"Ms. O'Brian I'm so sorry that I had to call you down here." Mr. Shafer Flynn's Principal said as I walked into the room.

I could see Flynn sitting with his back to me facing him.

"It's alright." I walked up and sat down next to Flynn and turned to him to see he had a bruise on his eye and a bloody lip.

"Oh my god Flynn." I grabbed him and made him face me while he stood up.

"What happened."

"Mr. O'Brian got into a fight with another little boy here at our school. We're unsure of who started it."

"Are you ok?" I asked him but he just rolled his eyes going back to sitting down.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Shafer. This had never happened before. I don't know what got into Flynn."

"Yes well unfortunately we do not tolerate any fighting in this school."

It grew silent and I knew what he meant by that.

"Oh I see." I said softly but in reality I wanted to scream at Flynn.

"I'm sorry but Flynn and the other boy..,well I need to ask you to leave. I'm sure Flynn with his grades with find another school."

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!" I screamed pulling him out the doors of his old school.

"He started it!"

"I don't care who did! Why did you fight him Flynn. Now you can't go to school."

"Good I hated it anyway!"

"Flynn what has gotten into you? Why have you been acting like this."

He started to walk off with out me going down the school staircase like I wasn't talking to him.

"Flynn! I'm talking to you! Don't turn your back on me!"

I turned him around and his face wasn't the smiling one I used to see all the time. He was a different kid now and I didn't know how to handle him.

"YOUR NOT MY MOM!" He screamed running off down the stairs.

"FLYNN!" I followed after him and watched as he rushed off to the ice cream place.

He got there before I did and ran into the bathroom as I got to the door.

"What was that all about?" Meg asked as she wiped down the counter.

"I have absolutely no idea." My body slumped into the chair at the counter and I took the bowl of candy taking a handful putting it in my mouth.

A few minutes later I went up to the door and knocked.

"Go away." I heard Flynn cry out and I broke my heart that he was crying.

"Flynn please just talk to me."


I sighed leaning on the door with my head looking up.

What would mom and dad do? I mean how did they put up with us both if we got like this.

"Oh Danny boy." I started to sing as I turned to the door praying that he would come out.

"The pipes the pipes are calling."  Still it didn't budge.

"I can't sing Flynn." I laughed leaning my head to the door.

"But I know mom used to sing you to sleep with that song every night."

The door opened a crack and I smiled kneeling down to see his face.

"I know I'm not your mom Flynn I'm far from it. But I am your sister and we're all that we've got. Don't go against me please."

He pushed the door open and wrapped his arms around me as his little body shook.

"Want ice cream?" Meg asked making us both laugh and pull back. "Go on." I said seeing that he was waiting for my answer.

He jumped up on the counter and I went into the bathroom closing the door behind me.

I leaned on the sink as the tears fell from my face.

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