Chapter 23

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"Favorite book?" I asked as we laid there together wrapped in the sheets. His legs and mine were intertwined together.

He was rubbing circles on my back as I continued asking questions.

"Don't read."

"Need to change that." He chuckled

"Worst fear?" I looked up to him when I asked that

"Losing the ones I love."

"Damn that was deep." I looked back at the wall trying to think of another question.

"I got some questions."


"What do you want to be when you grow up?" I couldn't help the laugh that left my lips.

"I used to say I wanted to be a singer but now I'd really like to go to school for teaching...but I have to wait on that"

"Place you want to go to the most?"

"Grease" he looked down at me with a raised eyebrow

"....what I like Mamma Mia!"

He smiled and continued "how many kids do you want?"

"I'm done." I tried to get up but he kept me close to his chest.

"Answer the question." He said in a sing song way

"Fine I want 4." He started to smile which made me sit up fast to look down at him.

"What is that about?"

"Just like the idea of you pregnant with my baby."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the sheets pulling them close to me before bending down to get his shirt that was on the floor.

"I hope you plan on being married to me...wait what the hell am I saying." I was starting to add to the fantasy

"That wouldn't be a bad idea." He snaked his arm around my waist as he got up.

"What do you think?" And I was saved by the knock.

"Mason? Do you know where Darcy is?" Flynn's little voice asked

I saw the smirk that came on Masons face as he put his pants back on.

"Come on in bud-" before Mason could even finish his sentence I had taken off two the door. I jumped over the bed and threw my body onto the door making sure Flynn Couldn't come in. I didn't want my little brother knowing that I had just spent the night with Mason like this.

"What the..." I could feel Flynn trying to push on the door.

"Mason!" I hissed as he stood there with his famous smirk on his face.

"Mason what's going on?"

I pleaded with Mason. I didn't want Flynn finding me like this!

"Sorry bud my doors locked."

Mason walked over and put his hand on the door above my head keeping me trapped.

"Run." He whispered and I slid out from under him and ran to the first door I could find.

"I could my find Darcy anywhere."

"Did you check the Kitchen? You know why don't we go and check" I heard then leave the room and I thanked God that they did. I didn't have a lot of time and we had to get ready for Disney!

Once the boys got done with getting ready we all got in the car to drive over

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Once the boys got done with getting ready we all got in the car to drive over. When we got closer I could feel myself getting all happy and giddy like a little kid. It would be my first time in Disney and I couldn't help it.

"Look!" Flynn screamed pointing to the sign that said Magic Kingdom

We parked the car and made our way in through the lines of people waiting to get into the park.

The first thing that I ran over to was a little cart where a women was selling Mickey ears.

"You want a pair to Flynn?" Mason asked as he looked over my shoulder.

"Can I get this hat?" It was a cute little Donald Duck hat.

Mason pulled out his money and payed for our hat and ears and I walked through the gates with a big smile on my face like I was a 5 year old little girl.

"We are getting a picture!" I said as we made our way down Main Street where the castle was coming into view.

"Do we have to." Flynn cried but I didn't care. I pulled him with me and Mason. We asked the guy to take our photo.

Mason picked Flynn up and held him between me and him and we all smiled together.

Once the photo was done Flynn grabbed me and Masons hands and pulled us to walk.

"Come on people there's rides that have lines that we got to wait in!"

I laughed and followed along with him and Mason.

The whole days we let Flynn take us around to where he wanted to go. We did some rides over again and we got more photos together and even some with the princess. Which may have been my favorite part.

But my favorite part was the fireworks that were to the end of the night. Flynn was on Masons shoulders looking up in amazement. It was the best sight to see.

Flynn in his little Donald Duck hat and new Disney Jacket that I bought him looking up at the fireworks and then Mason looking up at them to with a smile on his face.

I moved closer to him with a smile on my face. He pulled me to the side of his chest and kissed the top of my head.

This was definitely the best day ever.

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