Chapter 28

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Later on in the night I sat up in my bed still crying a little. I had so many things going wrong right now.

"Darcy." Flynn's little voice called as I saw him standing at my door.

"Yes bud?" I wiped my tears and sat up a little to look at him.

"Your crying?"  So much for him not knowing.

"I am bud."

He didn't say anything. He just got into my bed and pulled me to him giving me a hug.

"Thank you buddy."

"Can I stay in here?"

"Of course." I helped him get under the covers and he laid his head on my stomach as I played with his hair.

"Where are we going to go?"

"For right now bud we may have to go live in a shelter till I get a little more money for a hotel room."

"Are we going to be ok?"

"Yes." I said trying to be ok when I said it. I wanted to believe what I said but right now I didn't know.

"Go to sleep." I kissed the top of his head and continued to play with his hair. So I heard his soft snoring. I didn't sleep that night. I couldn't with my mind going all over the place.

The next day we had gone to Megs. Flynn still wanted to watch the fight and I wasn't telling him no.

"Look it's that guy in the picture." Flynn said as I sat down with a glass to watch. They were staring to come out to music and all.

"It is bud."

My phone went off and I picked it up holding it to my ear.


"You need to get down here."


I could see I Mason coming out next to his music. He kept his head down not looking up once at the camera.

"He's on a death mission."

"Corbin what do-"

"He's a reck Darcy. Last night I went to his place to check on him and he was a mess. He said that you two got into a fight over the photo of him and Gab." Even hearing her name made me sick.

"She kissed him. What the camera didn't get was he pushed her away and cursed her out after it was taken." He tried to explain that to me last night and I wouldn't listen.

I watched mason get into the ring and he didn't even look good. He looked sick and it broke me.

"He's going to let this guy hit him Darcy. He told me he's not fighting."

I watched as the fight started and could see Corbin on the side talking to me as he watched what was happening.

The guy threw a punch at Mason and Mason let him hit him. He didn't go down but it didn't look good. Then the guy kept going and Mason let him.

"Oh my god!" I covered my mouth as I watched him knock him out. Mason got up some how but someone called a timeout to check his eye that was bleeding pretty bad.

"get down here!" Corbin said before ending the call.

"I got to get to him."

"But we are 30 minutes away from Boston!" Meg said

I smirked when I looked at her remembering one thing.

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