Chapter 10

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Saturday came faster then expected. Flynn as usual was quick to get ready this day. He was ready to go right over to the gym.

I sat in the same spot watching Flynn work with Bill and Mason this time.

"He's got a good hit." Corbin said sitting down next to me.

"Thanks I guess." I laughed

"No really he's got potential." That was scary to hear. I couldn't imagine Flynn becoming a fighter.

"Don't worry" Corbin laughed "Masons teaching how to defend himself not how to become a fighter. He knows how you feel about it."

"It's not a bad thing! I-I just guess my parents wouldn't want there son beating a guy up." The old parents trick.

"And you think mine did?" He smirked "I was on my way to become a doctor. Then I had a nasty breakup and found this gym...mason helped me through a bad time. He's good like that."

I looked up to Mason as he held up a bag for Flynn as he hit it a few times.

He was actually a good person but that made it harder for me to want him in my life. And first off I don't think he would want to be. He's a good person and I wouldn't want to pull him into my life.

"Great job buddy!" Mason laughed getting up.

Flynn ran to me taking his gloves off. "Did you see me!"

"I did bud your doing such a good job. Meg is here to get you as well." He turned around fast and saw Meg making her way to us.

He ran right to her with his things in his hand.

"Come on bud we can go out and get some dinner." Meg said taking his bag for him. I mouthed a thank you to her as she walked off waving to me.

"You ready?" Mason asked throwing his bag over his shoulder.


"Great. I'll see you guys Tomorrow!" Mason said taking my hand in his and pulling me with him. I felt the butterflies again as he pulled me off with him.

We went right to his car and off we went driving through town. It was actually really pretty at night in town. It reminds me of a movie the way it looks.

Once we got to his apartment we went all the way up to the 16th floor where the elevator went right to a penthouse.

We stepped off and my jaw was in an o shape as I looked all around.

"Wow." I said looking at the place in front of me.

My eyes went right to the big glass window where you could look out at the town. The lights of the streets and buildings were bright enough to light the light up.

I made my way closer but stopped when I saw a piano to the side. Like I used to I gravitated to it.

I walked right over and opened it up to play one of the keys. It sounded as beautiful as I last remembered.

"You play?" Mason asked coming closer with two glasses for us.

"I used to." And I was back to being sad. My hands graced over the keys as I remembered that time where things were so simple. "A long time ago."

"Why don't you play?" And like the keys burned me I moved back fast.

"N-no I haven't played. I-I don't remember."


I stepped back taking the glass from him to take a big swig of it. It was wine thank god.

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