Family Tree

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The day a school project was due, Charlie had barely started his work. A family tree project for his class due and the genealogy report was to come in today. Charlie had always known that he was adopted but his teacher help to find his biological parents for this project and was eager to find out results. Charlie ran through the streets of the lively Metropolis dodging and jumping over people and objects in the way. He just made it on time in class at Metro academy that he hoped the teacher would be merciful enough to not call on him today for presentation.

As he sat in class he constantly checked his phone for a notification about the report while stressing about the time before the bell rang. "Charlie!" His name rang from the teacher's ear. Charlie grew worried as he knew what was about to come. "How about yo-" the teacher said before he was cut off by a loud explosion. The class run to the windows to see Superman in the sky fighting off a villain. Seeing as the city is infamous for fights with bold character so today was not anything special, at least not yet.

Whoever this guy was he was trigger happy with his blaster. Though the effects had nothing on Superman, but this guy continued to try and miss. On of the blasts hit a truck that carried dangerous chemicals. With that event, the academy was forced to evacuate. Charlie was happy to see that he didn't have to present but still feared what could happen. Once they got outside, the worst happened. One of the attackers blast hit the academy sidewalk. Several students were hurt or killed, one of those being Charlie. Charlie woke up in the ambulance with a paramedic above him. "Good your awake, your a lucky kid you know. Can you tell me your name?" The EMT asked. "Charlie Raymond...what happened?" He replied. "Don't worry about that right now, how are you feeling?" The woman said reading the test she had done so far. Charlie thought for a moment and replied, "My feels like it's on fire. And my hands, they're freezing...". The EMT felt his head and hands and made a concerned face. "Your right, feel it too. Just focus on me, we just gotta make it to the hospital okay, stay with me." The woman said.

They had made it to the hospital where Charlie was quickly placed in quarantine for a reason he had not yet known. Among all of the chaos, Charlie passed out not being able to handle is fluctuating body temp. When he woke up, he saw his parents standing outside of the room. He got up and walked over to the glass separating them. His mother clicked a button that activated a speaker so they could talk. "Hi Charlie, how are you feeling?" His mother said worried. "I'm fine now, what is going on. Why are we talking through glass?" Charlie asked. Charlie's mother took a deep breath as if she were worried but not for him. "The doctors say that you are... radiating nuclear energy. They need to figure out how you are still alive." His father said. Charlie put his hand on the glass wanting his mother to do the same, but all she did was walk away with his father.

When they were gone, Charlie noticed something in his reflection. He ran over to a sink and looked into the mirror to see himself with white hair, pale skin and glowing yellow eyes. "What the hell happened to me!?"

Weeks had passed and Charlie had asked every question he could think of as to what was happening to him, but no one could give him a clear answer.

One day a familiar face had come in to visit him. "Hello Charlie, it's been awhile since we last spoke." The man said. Charlie recognized the familiar face as the man who placed him with his parents two years ago. "Hi doctor." Charlie said feeling down and alone. "I heard of your accident and I know exactly what is happening to you." The doctor said through the speaker. Charlie jumped off of his bed and ran to the glass and said, "What! How do you know? What's wrong with me"? The doctor walked over to the door opening it. Without saying a word, the two walked out of the hospital through empty halls and once outside, the doctor knocked Charlie over the head.

Charlie woke up and the first thing he said was, "I am getting tired of this black out crap." He looked around him to see he was in yet another time containment cell this time smaller, and in a place he had never seen before. He then looked down to see a suit that seemed sciencey to him. "Uh doc, what's going on?" Charlie asked knocking on the glass as the doctor walked over to a machine. The doctor smiled, looked up and said, "I am about to activate the firestorm matrix within you...". With that, the man pressed a button and all of a sudden, a wave of energy surged through Charlie's body like nothing he had ever felt before. His head the lit with a burst of blue flames while his hands emitted a cold snap so cold that it froze the glass. The sudden collusion of fire and ice caused the glass to shatter and this threw the doctor off of his feet. The doctor looked up and said, "That was not supposed to happen, this is not firestorm...this is something much better..."

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