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"Okay, do we have everything?" Sonic asked as he checked his bag for the last time. Tails was doing the same thing beside him before he slid his pack over his shoulder. It was almost sunset, which ment that they would be heading out soon.

"Yep. I think so; all we have to do now is meet up with others in front of the jungle," he answered, "Are you sure about this, Sonic? We haven't faced any predators of this caliber before."

The azure hedgehog brushed off his little brother's worry with a reassuring grin, "They can't be that much harder than Egghead. They are just animals afterall. And who knows? Maybe that farmer was wrong, and this new species is actually okay."

"But he said that they could speak plain mobian. That sounds very unusual, even for an animal."

Sonic laughed, "Maybe they're a circus act that got loose and are trying to find their crew."

Tails chuckled but remained in deep thought. Something wasn't right, but he couldn't be sure. Instead of pondering on it though, he decided to check his handheld for the weather report. His fur bristled at the results.

"Tails? What's wrong?" Sonic asked, his voice laced with concern. The kit showed him the report.

"There's supposed to be a thunderstorm tonight."

Sonic could feel the fear vibrating off his brother and laid a hand on his shoulder. He knew that Tails' fear of thunder was almost as great as his fear of water, if not more so.

"Hey, don't worry, lil' bro, I'll be with ya the whole time. Besides, maybe we can get this all settled and be back home before it hits."

He grinned, which in turn made Tails cheer up as well. Sonic was right; they could handle a few carnivores and be back in time for supper. He smiled and grabbed his own pack.

"All right then! Let's do this!" he exclaimed, and the two best friends fist bumped before running out to meet their friends.


"Is everything ready for tonight?" Shadow asked in their native tongue as he walked beside Dust, a Black Warrior. They were both carrying some extra food and a few large branches that still had many of the leaves attached.

"Yes, the den is secured," he replied, "We just need to cover the Fly Hole, and everything will be set."

Shadow nodded, but he could feel anxiety pulsing from his friend in massive waves. His curiosity beat his better judgement to keep quiet when he spoke.

"What's wrong?" It was a polite question, not an order, and the young male knew that he didn't have to answer if he didn't want to. But then again, he needed to talk to someone.

"It's Spark," he answered, "Her first litter is due anytime. Some of the elder females say it could even come tonight."

Shadow knew that trouble would be inevitable if the litter did come tonight of all nights, but he also knew that it was a time of celebration as well. The Black Arms weren't just surviving anymore. They were thriving, and he would never admit it, but Shadow had a deep soft spot for the little ones in the pack.

"Then I guess congratulations are in order," he smirked and repositioned the deer carcass on his shoulder, "You will be a brilliant father, and I can't wait to see them."

The warrior looked at his leader in surprise. Shadow didn't compliment someone unless he meant it, and even then it's rare to hear him say anything along those lines.

"You truly think so?"

Shadow laughed, "Yes, but if you still feel uneasy, you can speak to Fireclaw. He and Moonstreak are on their fourth."

Bygone Adventures: Episode 1 "Wild Side"Where stories live. Discover now