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       It was late in the night, and the Sonic gang had already fallen into a deep sleep. But Shadow, on the other hand, tossed and turned on his peak, never quite able to get into the right position. He finally gave up and stood, careful to avoid waking any of the others. With his attuned night vision, he looked over his large pack before deciding to check on their guests. He slipped into the private alcove without a sound and watched them. 

    Sticks was curled around herself like a dog, and Knuckles was splayed out with his hand dangerously close to the dying fire. Amy layed on her side with her back facing him, and Sonic slept in a similar position. Tails was curled into himself, using his namesakes as a blanket and pillow. With another glance, Shadow noticed that the two hedgehogs were shivering a little, and he assumed it was from the lack of heat from the fire, which was now more of a pile of glowing embers. He sighed and grabbed a few sticks and logs and quietly set on top of the smoldering pile.

     With his foot, he nudged Knuckles' large hand away from the trickling flames before he knelt down to get a better view of the flames. Memories of burning trees, ashes, and the cries of his people flashed before him, and he snapped his eyes shut. With a deep breath, he set his palm slightly above the stack of unlit wood and muttered, "Chaos Flame." 

     The pile struck alit and burned strongly with a natural red flame. Shadow stepped away and took another glance at the mobians, smirking when he noticed the two hedgehogs relax. He turned to leave but a voice stopped him.

    "Couldn't sleep?" Sonic asked in a drowsy whisper as he sat up.

   "It's the first time any mobian besides myself has been inside the den. Forgive me, if I'm cautious," he countered, his voice low and controlled to avoid waking anyone. The blue blur nodded in understanding and stood before tiptoeing away from his group.

"Is there something you wish to ask me?" Shadow questioned.

   "Which side are you on?" he quietly demanded, his green eyes sharp and serious. It wasn't a harsh questions, but Shadow could understand his concern.

   "I'm not against you, if that's what you're asking. The Black Arms have no quarrel with the mobians."

   Sonic gave him a look of complete shock and confusion, "'re not out to kill us?"

   Shadow fought the urge to laugh to his face and settled with an amused smirk, "Of course not," he replied with a shake of his head, "If anything, I've been keeping the two away from each other."

   His rival cocked his head to the side out of curious habit, and Shadow continued, "Since I became Alpha, I've taught them how to avoid mobians. We've set definite boundaries around our territory, and I've showed them how to avoid sentients. I patrol the borders each morning. Yesterday, I found that idiot doctor snooping around. That's how your little friend saw me."

   "Oh," Sonic chuckled awkwardly, "Wait! How did you know that you were seen?"

   Shadow sighed, becoming slightly annoyed with this conversation, "I may have been in the area when that blasted farmer caused a riot."

   Sonic didn't question him further but instead stared into the steady burning flames, "I would have thought it would've burned out by now," he mumbled and looked at his slightly taller host with the question plastered on his face. The obsidian hybrid roles his eyes.

   "I rekindled it. It was low, and you're daft friend's hand was extremely close to it," he hmphed with his arms crossed while leaning against the cave wall. Sonic grinned, knowing that he was talking about Knuckles.

   "But I thought you were scared of fire?"

   Shadow scoffed, "Scared is a strong word, more like...what's the word?...careful around it. Ever since the jungle fire, the pack has been wary of it. It was a hard thing to go through, and one of the main reasons we relocated here."

   "But why do you even have this place, if you don't like to be around fires?" he pressed. And it was either the light from the flames or Shadow's muzzle was scarlet.

   "Black Arms are cold-blooded by nature, I as well, and most of the pack stays warm by huddling with their mates and offspring. I have neither, and so I have to find others way to keep warm. Moonstreak has been trying to play matchmaker for a while now, so I would warn your pink and badger friends to steer clear."

   The azure hedgehog cupped a hand over his mouth to keep from busting out laughing. He couldn't imagine Shadow going on a date with anyone, especially not Amy or Sticks. Shadow turned his head away with an annoyed frown.

          "It's not that funny."

  "Are you kidding?" he whisper-shouted, "It's hilarious! But if you're looking for a girl, I think I can find you one," he smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

   He growled and turned to leave, "Get some sleep, hedgehog. You and your friends are leaving at first light. Remember your promise."

   Sonic rolled his eyes good-naturedly, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. You get some too, faker."

   As Shadow stalked out of the cave, Sonic let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in. At least he got some good news. The biggest threat to the village wasn't a real danger, and the most feared villain on the island wasn't really evil. He couldn't wait to tell the gang when they wake up. As he layed back down on his spot, his eyes widened. Wait a sec! What was Eggman doing around here?!

Author's Note: Just so y'all know. Shadow and Sonic are only friends! I only do male x female ships. They will only be good friends. Please let me know what you think of this so far!    ~Maraja

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