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    Sonic was woken by a sharp kick to his exposed stomach. He was about to retaliate, when Shadow's voice cut him off. 

    "Get up and wake your allies. You have to leave."

   "Dude, it's not even daylight yet!" he whisper-shouted and woke the others. Shadow kept them quiet as his ears swiveled back and forth, listening for anything out of the ordinary. 

    "Don't question me, just get out of here," he ordered. The group left the small room to find the pack already awake. The mothers were herding their pups into the back of the den with the elders, while the ones who remained stood facing the entrance. Fireclaw hurried up to them and glanced at their guests. 

                "They are just outside."

    "Does he know that the pack is here?" Shadow asked, while the others watched in confusion. 

                     "No, not yet."

    "Then let me handle it. It's probably another stupid proposal to join his League of Villains or something. If we're lucky, he doesn't know I'm here yet." 

    "What are you talking about?" Amy stepped up. 

   "The doctor found the den. Though the question how still bothers me, I have to lead him away from here." 

    "We can take Egghead, no problem!" Sonic said, cracking his knuckles as he did so. The ebony hybrid shook his head. 

    "No. I won't allow you to get mixed up in my affairs. You are to leave as soon as I handle this," he stated and teleported before they could reply. 

    Outside the den, Eggman waited with an army of robots blocking the opening of the cave. He wasn't sure what was in there, but he was willing to check it out. All of these rumors of "black creatures" and "mobian hunters" were very intriguing, and he wanted to find one to use against Sonic. There was a flicker of light, and Shadow appeared at the mouth of the cave, his arms crossed with a signature glare. 

     "Oh! Shadow! I had no idea you were in the area!" he began, clearly excited, "There's word going around about black monsters on the hunt, and well...say! Why don't you help me catch one! Please?" the human begged. It took every inch of his willpower for Shadow to not attack. Eggman was planning on using his family? He would never allow it, not on his life. 

    "No," he stated, his malevolent facade returning with ease, "I don't do the whole 'catching animals' thing. Now get out of here before I make you."

   Eggman was taken aback by his aggressive attitude, "There's no reason to get angry. I'll leave right away! Just as soon as I check out this cave." 

    Shadow lowered himself into a battle stance and growled, "I said leave! If I see you still there in the next thirty seconds, I will show you what I can do, and you will fear it," he finished with a devilish smirk. 

   Eggman paused. Why was he so adamant about him not going in? Was there something his dark ally was hiding? He decided to live to fight another day and nodded. 

    "Very well, Shadow. I'll go," he said and ordered his machines to return to base. The dark hedgehog waited until he was out of sight before he turned back to the den. Sonic and his team ran out to meet him, followed quickly by the pack's strongest warriors. 

     "The doctor is searching for us. He plans to use us against you," Shadow explained to the blue blur with his arms crossed, "He will return. I have to get him off our scent. You and your pack will go back to the village, as we agreed." 

Bygone Adventures: Episode 1 "Wild Side"Where stories live. Discover now