You Smell Like Home

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You Smell Like Home


Summary:Taehyung shows up to class late on the day they're brewing Amortentia, and wonders aloud why everyone is wearing Jeongguk's cologne.



Jeongguk paces in front of the door to potions class, glancing from his watch, down the corridor, and then down to his watch again. If Taehyung doesn’t show up in the next few minutes, he’ll be late again and land himself in detention for the third time this week. Jeongguk bounces on his toes, nervous energy gathering in his gut and twisting into knots. Taehyung’s last detention had landed him in the hospital wing with a concussion, and he’d been out cold for nearly three days. Jeongguk doesn’t think he can sit through that again so he really needs Taehyung to —

“Jeongguk! Stop pacing around waiting for your boyfriend, we’re brewing Amortentia today!” Jimin calls, sticking his head out into the corridor. Jeongguk turns around and glares at the Slytherin, who’s eyes are wide in excitement. Sometimes he wonders how Jimin got sorted into the “evil” house.

“He’s not my boyfriend, hyung.” Jeongguk says, pushing past Jimin as he makes his way towards his station. Jimin slides into the seat in front of him, subtly pushing himself past Yoongi to get to the other side of table. (Jimin says he just likes that side of the table better, Jeongguk knows it’s because Jimin’s got a crush the size of Hogwarts on the older boy, and would do anything to have even a second of robe to robe contact with him.) Jeongguk shakes his head and pulls out his potions book before sighing quietly to himself. “He doesn’t like me anyways.”

Jimin’s face morphs into something like sympathy, his lips turning down and his eyes drooping, but as he opens his mouth the speak, Professor Slughorn cuts him off. “Hello, students! Ready for another day of advanced potions making?” Slughorn asks, and there’s a few unenthusiastic whoops from some of the Gryffindors, who’d lost their Quidditch match against Ravenclaw the night before.

“Cheer up, now, we’ve got potions to brew. Everyone turn to page seventy two and start preparing while I take attendance.” Jeongguk looks frantically to the door, hoping, hoping, hoping, that Taehyung will come through the door—

“Jeongguk?” Slughorn calls, and Jeongguk startles. “No Jeongguk?”

“No! No, Professor, I’m here… sorry.” Jeongguk says, lifting a hand into the air. Jimin stifles a laugh into the palm of his hand and Jeongguk reaches forward and slaps him in the back of the head. Jimin lurches forward and pours the entire vile of powdered moonstone into the cauldron, and the mixture turns a murky green color.

“Oh shoot, oh my god.” Jimin says, looking down at the cauldron in horror. “I’m so sorry, Yoongi— I” Jimin reaches towards the cauldron with his hands, like he’s going to try and pull out the already dissolved ingredient, but Yoongi catches his wrists and puts Jimin’s arms back to his sides.

“Don’t just stick your hands in there, Jimin.” Yoongi scolds, voice soft, but Jimin still looks like he’s about to cry. Jeongguk silently measures out his rose thorns while he watches the ordeal out of the corner of his eye. “You could hurt yourself. Don’t worry, hyung will fix it.” And then Yoongi grabs the cauldron off the rack and takes it over to the window before dumping the contents onto the ground below.

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