Part 2

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The sun bathed Arendelle in a golden glow, casting a warm radiance over the kingdom on this momentous day - the day of Elsa's coronation. The townsfolk bustled about, preparing for the grand event.

In the midst of the excitement, a young boy stood beside his mother, his expression less than enthusiastic about his formal attire.

Boy: (grumbling) Why do I have to wear this?

Woman: (smiling) Because the queen has come of age, dear. It's coronation day.

Boy: (crossing his arms) That's not my fault.

Meanwhile, Y/n strolled through Arendelle's bustling streets, accompanied by his loyal friend, Sven the reindeer. Y/n concealed a carrot behind his back, a mischievous glint in his eye. Sven, knowing what awaited him, eagerly anticipated his treat.

Y/n: (playfully) What do you want, Sven? (mimicking Sven's voice) "Give me a snack." (normal voice) What's the magic word? (still mimicking Sven) "Please."

With a chuckle, Y/n presented the carrot to Sven, who wasted no time devouring the entire thing in one enthusiastic bite.

Y/n: (teasingly) Uh-uh-uh. Share.

Sven obliged, relinquishing a portion of the carrot, saliva-covered but no less tempting. Y/n playfully broke off a piece and took a bite himself, savoring the camaraderie between him and his beloved reindeer friend.

Y/n stirred in the dimly lit room, the first rays of dawn gently creeping through the curtains. He groggily approached his slumbering brother, Runearl, and decided it was high time to rouse him from his dreams.

Y/n: (with a playful grin) Rise and shine, dear brother. The world awaits your glorious presence!

Runearl, still enveloped in the warmth of his dreams, let out a groan.

Runearl: (half-asleep, with feigned annoyance) You know, in some kingdoms, they'd execute you for waking up royalty like this.

Y/n, undeterred and channeling his inner Moss-like quirkiness, responded with an exaggerated gesture.

Y/n: (in a faux-serious tone) Well, in the Kingdom of Nonsense, we have our own set of rules! Execution for late sleepers is strictly prohibited.

Runearl finally opened one eye, his lips curving into a faint smile.

Runearl: (softly) You truly are one of a kind, Y/n.

With a chuckle, Y/n continued to coax Runearl out of his slumber, their sibling banter filling the room as the day began in earnest.

Y/n's curiosity couldn't be contained, and he seized this morning moment to dive into a question that had long swirled in his mind.

Y/n: (leaning in, genuinely intrigued) Speaking of unique things, Runearl, have you ever wondered about your powers? I mean, controlling ice and snow... it's incredible. How does it feel? Can you show me something amazing?

Runearl's expression shifted from grogginess to contemplation as he considered Y/n's inquiry.

Runearl: (thoughtful) It's a gift and a burden, Y/n. When I first discovered it, I was scared. I didn't understand how to control it, and it caused problems. But with time, I've learned to harness it. It's like an extension of myself, but it comes with responsibilities.

Y/n nodded, absorbing Runearl's words, and then, with a twinkle in his eye, he couldn't resist adding a touch of humor.

Y/n: (channeling Moss-like whimsy) Well, I must say, it's a bit more exciting than your average family talent. I mean, most folks are proud of their great-great-grandfather's beard-growing prowess, but ice powers? That's something else.

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