Part 3

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The solemn coronation ceremony unfolded within the church chapel. Elsa stood at the altar, poised and regal, while Anna watched with anticipation from the crowd.

Hans, now attired in more formal garments, waved at Anna from his seat in the pews.

As the moment arrived for the crown to be placed on Elsa's head, a hushed tension filled the air. Elsa extended her hands, and the scepter and orb were presented to her on a pillow.

BISHOP: (whispering) Your Majesty, the gloves.

Elsa hesitated, her nerves palpable. She took a deep breath, removed her gloves, and placed them on the pillow. Her hands trembled as she reached for the orb and scepter, and she turned her attention to the people gathered.

BISHOP (in Old Norse, formal): Sehm hon HELL-drr IN-um HELL-gum AYG-num ok krund ee THES-um HELL-gah STAHTH, ehk teh frahm FUR-ear U-thear...

The scepter and orb began to exhibit signs of freezing over, a subtle reminder of Elsa's extraordinary abilities.

BISHOP: ...Queen Elsa of Arendelle.

The crowd responded in unison.

CROWD: Queen Elsa of Arendelle.

Just in the nick of time, Elsa managed to place the orb and scepter back onto the pillow before anyone could notice the encroaching ice. She swiftly retrieved her gloves, slipping them on, successfully navigating this pivotal moment of the ceremony.

Y/n and Runearl, among the spectators, exchanged glances, both keenly aware of the significance of the events unfolding before them.

Y/n and Runearl, both beloved and memorable figures in the crowd, engaged in a discreet conversation that carried the unmistakable charm and humor they were known for.

Y/n: (leaning closer to Runearl) Quite the chilly start to the coronation, wouldn't you say?

Runearl: (with a knowing grin) Indeed, Y/n. Elsa does have a unique way of keeping things cool.

Y/n: (raising an eyebrow) Pun intended, I presume?

Runearl: (nodding) Absolutely. It's the only way to stay frosty in this situation.

They both shared a quiet chuckle, savoring the irony of the moment. Y/n, in particular, couldn't resist adding a touch of whimsy to their conversation.

Y/n: (musing) You know, Runearl, if we were to ever host a coronation, I'd suggest a different theme. Maybe a "Chocolate Milk and Laughter" theme?

Runearl: (playfully) Ah, the Y/n touch, always adding that extra sprinkle of quirkiness to life's grand moments.

Their camaraderie and shared sense of humor made them beloved figures in the community, and they continued to watch the coronation with a unique blend of warmth and amusement that endeared them to all who knew them.

Y/n and Runearl, known for their charismatic and memorable personalities, engaged in a lengthy conversation as they observed the coronation ceremony.

Y/n: (with a mischievous grin) You know, Runearl, I can't help but wonder if Elsa ever considered an ice cream-themed coronation instead. I mean, who could resist an event with endless scoops of chocolate and vanilla?

Runearl: (smirking) Knowing you, Y/n, you'd turn it into a competition to see who could eat the most ice cream in the shortest time.

Y/n: (nodding enthusiastically) Precisely! Picture it: the Coronation of the Century, complete with a brain freeze contest. Now that's a coronation I'd pay to see.

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