Part 5

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Back in Arendelle, the once-bustling town now lay under a thick blanket of snow. Amidst the wintery silence, two men found themselves in a heated debate within the town square.

Man #1: (Animated) No, no. You've got the bark facing down. The bark needs to be face-up!

Man #2: (Defiant) Bark down is drier! (They both tugged on a piece of bark)

The clash between the two escalated as they continued to argue. Meanwhile, Prince Hans and his guards took on a more humanitarian task. They distributed warm cloaks to the shivering citizens who had gathered around.

Hans: (Offering a cloak to a woman) Cloak? Does anyone need a cloak?

Woman: (Grateful) Arendelle is indebted to you, your Highness.

Hans: (Handing a stack of cloaks to a guard) The castle is open. There is soup and hot glogg in the Great Hall. Here. Pass these out.

As Hans went about his duties, the Duke approached him, accompanied by his own guards. Suspicion clouded the Duke's expression.

Duke: Prince Hans, are we just expected to sit here and freeze while you give away all of Arendelle's tradeable goods?

Hans: Princess Anna has given her orders...

Duke: And that's another thing! Has it dawned on you that your princess may be conspiring with a wicked sorceress to destroy us all?

Hans: (Firm) Do not question the Princess. She left me in charge, and I will not hesitate to protect Arendelle from treason.

The tension in the square grew palpable, and just then, Anna's horse returned, looking visibly distressed. Hans approached the horse cautiously.

Hans: Woh! Woh! Woh, boy. Easy. Easy.

The sight of the agitated horse alarmed the gathered crowd.

Voice of Man: (Nervous) That's Princess Anna's horse.

Voice of Woman: (Worried) But where is the Princess?

Hans scanned the distant mountains, a sense of foreboding growing within him. He turned back to address the worried crowd.

Hans: Princess Anna is in trouble. I need volunteers to go with me to find her.

In response to his call, some brave individuals from the crowd stepped forward, ready to aid their beloved Princess.

Duke: (Eager) I volunteer two men, my Lord! (He instructed his own guards) Be prepared for anything. And should you encounter the Queen, you are to put an end to this winter. Do you understand?

Next scene.

Anna, Olaf, Y/n, and Sven ventured into the frozen wilderness, determined to find Elsa and bring an end to the eternal winter that had gripped their kingdom. As they journeyed deeper into the snowy expanse, the landscape became increasingly treacherous, with each step leading them further away from the warmth and comfort of Arendelle.

Olaf, ever the optimist, prattled on about the joys of summer, his fantasies providing a humorous contrast to the icy reality around them. Y/n, although concerned for Anna's safety, couldn't help but chuckle at Olaf's antics. Sven, the loyal reindeer, trudged on with a sense of purpose, his antlers adorned with icicles.

Their path led them through a dense forest, the trees burdened with heavy snow. Suddenly, Y/n's knowledge came into play. He had read about the strange creatures that dwelled in these woods. They were unlike anything seen in Arendelle, a peculiar blend of mythology and reality. Y/n knew they had to be cautious.

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