Chapter 9- Never Ending Fantasy (Part 2)

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"Uncle Kalevi! Cyrus!" Rayna shouted, and began skating threw the snow to get to them. She rose in the air as the ice formed in front of her with each glide of her foot. A trick she had learned not too long ago. She was able to manipulate the snow to move with her; she could also do it on the water.

Cyrus had jumped off his horse, and as he turned, he caught her in his arms as she came barreling into him. He was shocked, to say the least, "How in the world are you doing that?!"

She laughed as she pulled away from him and winked, "Magic." She went from him to her uncle, hugging him as well. She had missed them a great deal. And now that they knew the truth of their training, she wasn't nervous about having them here.

"Cyrus!" Jewel shouted, jumping into his arm, "Oh, it is so good to see you! Twice in one year!" She pulled away from him, smiling. He blushed, smiling back. She ran over to Kalevi to do the same. Rayna noticed the slight blush that tinged Cyrus' cheeks and tried to hide the smile on her face.

Kalevi smiled, both of his girls under his arms. He felt light-hearted being at home, knowing that they were all safe and sound. "It is so good to see you girls. So, what is the plan for today, ladies?"

"We are going to have dinner together," Catherina said from the large arch of double doors with Andre and Revon on either side of her. Both Cyrus and Kalevi straightened their backs at the sight of the two. The tensions high now that the five of them were near one another. It was something that was to be expected, but the girls had hoped that time would have eased it.

Rayna noticed the change of atmosphere and sighed, feeling guilty for the two travelers. She knew that in a way, they felt that Revon and Andre were replacing their presence in their home. It made Rayna feel guiltier since she decided to keep them there. That was why she asked them to come a second time that year for her birthday so that they could get to know one another better. She wanted her two worlds to merge; she didn't want it to be like this every time the two came to visit. The last meeting was not so good. So this was a second chance.

The tension in the room was rather thick at the dining table. Rayna's favorite foods sat on the table. Chicken, fish, wild greens, and vegetables with ale. The first course was the soup that Catherina had made; then, they dug into the food that sat before them. The room had never been so quiet before. Ever. The sipping of the soup and the scraping of the forks and knives on the plates was heard throughout the meal, echoing in the dining hall.

Catherina sat across from Kalevi, each at either end of the vast mahogany table. Where Rayna had forgiven Kalevi easily, Catherina had not so much. To Catherina's right was Andre, and next to him, Revon, next to Revon, sat Rayna to the left of Kalevi. On Kalevi's right was Cyrus, and to Cyrus' left was Jewel. Jewel sat across from Andre.

So as it can be imagined, glares were exchanged during the meal.

Rayna and Jewel kept sharing worried looks. They didn't know how to get the five of them to make peace with each other. It was going to be a very long night.

"So, Uncle Kalevi, how are things at the palace?" Rayna asked after fifteen minutes of clattering forks and clunks of cups making contact with the table.

Kalevi smiled at Rayna, "Things are quiet at the moment; many appreciate the kind deeds you have been going around town doing." He smiled adoringly at her. "Oh, that reminds me. I brought up to Theo what you asked, and he is going to go around town and ask the people what is needed. I am sure once we return, he will have a list out the door for us."

Rayna brightened up, "Wonderful!" Before her mind could get lost in looking up spells and potions that potentially could help the people, she paused for a moment before speaking, "You know, Andre and Revon come with me whenever I would drop things off around town."

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