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"aye nick, edwin y'all ready ?" i yelled out from the kitchen.

the two came out of the living room and nodded.

"where you guys going?" brandon asked laying on the couch with maggie.

"we heading to the mall to see the girls," i said putting a spoon full of fruit loops in my mouth.

"wait those three girls that came to our party on accident?" maggie asked lifting her head up from brandons chest to look at us.

edwin nodded, "yeah them. you lovebirds tryna come?"

"yes!" maggie cheered getting up from brandon quickly. "jenni and i hung out last night because i found out she actually listens to me. ain't that crazy? me being friends with a fan?"

brandon groans. "aw but i want to cuddle all day."

i rolled my eyes. "brandon get yo ass up, you know you want to buy some new glasses."

he groans again but manages to stand up. wat a headass.

the two of them went to go get ready while me, nick, and edwin continued eating brunch.

"so zion, what's going on with you and isa? i heard you two talking on the phone last night," edwin asked biting on a burger that we saved from last night.

i smiled, remembering the fun ass night we had last night and the funny ass facetime call we had after that. every 360 party has always been lit for me, but last night felt even more better. me and isa danced together everywhere. especially on the table. and most girls in the party can't even dance for shit, so spending my night with a girl like isa was incredible.

where can you find a girl that would dance on the table like you do? nowhere.

why? cause isa was one of a kind. yo that kinda rhymes haha.

"she's the one," i said without hesitation. i know for sureeee that she is the right one.

edwins eyes widened, almost dropping his burger. "wait, you forreal?"

"hold up, you telling me isa might be the one for you?" nick asked surprised as edwin.

i raised an eyebrow. "why y'all sound so shook?"

"bro cause this is huge!!" edwin exclaimed putting his food down and threw his hands in the air. "you never been in a serious relationship before! and the fact that you saying isa might be THE ONE is exciting!"

"damn... zion in a relationship? that's kinda hard to believe," nick said still in disbelief.

i rolled my eyes, but smiled. "yeah this is huge." (a/n ahaha that's wat she said 😭😭💀💀 okay let me stop.)

"like how did you know she was the right one? like are you sure she is the one?" edwin asked.

"yes bro like ive never been so fucking postive before. there's just something about her, you know? i don't know but she's like this whole angel that randomly just walked into my life and made it better," i sighed happily leaning back in my seat with the picture of what isa looks like popping in my head.

wrong party $ zion kuwonu Where stories live. Discover now