Episode 9 : Control

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It had been around a month of training Finn as a Jedi . He was rather powerful in the fore. Ben had shown him many things I had not yet consisdered.
Whilst Finn was busy communicating with allies in the outer rim with Poe I was up at the training course with Ben. With both wielded our sabers swinging them back and forth colliding them with each other. I froze Ben before he could take another hit at me.
"Not so smart now are you solo?" I asked circling around him
"Oh trust me I have some tricks up my sleeve" with that Ben broke from his freeze and froze me in return
"Oh we playing that game now Ben"
"You know I could just leave you here you know"
"And why would you want to do that" I looked Ben in his eyes and tried to persuade him to let me go
"Oh I don't know just funny isn't it?"
" Oh Ben solo your hilarious aren't you. Do you know I will crush you??"
"And that's why I should just leave you here" Ben was now inches away from me towering above me
"Ben?" I whispered his hand caressed my cheek
"Your cute when your angry" he never broke the gaze we both held "why else do you think I loved it when we fought each other your anger was just so cute you know rey?"
"Not your bad your self solo"
"I never knew one day my mind could be drifted away from the dark side by a scavenger rey"
" am I no scavenger" I said anger creeping into my voice
"And there's the anger back" with that Ben kissed my cheek and turned on his heel walking down the dusty path
"BEN SOLO don't you dare leave me here!" I yelled trying to get his attention. Then I felt my body been relised from the force he held. I shook my arms back and forth.
"Errr Ben wait there" I sped towards him and before I could reach him I flipped high above him and cut him off his track landing right in front of his face.
"You missed"
" I said you missed" with that I kissed Ben and felt the warmth of his lips on mine. After a while I pulled apart from Ben.
"Oh by the way we are leaving for Naboo tomorrow so get ready" I tickled his stomach and ran back to my camp Ben chasing after me.
Hello there!! (General kenobi)
Sorry I had to put that.
Hope you guys liked this chapter by the way and I know I missed Finns training out and that but I really wanted to get to the Naboo part because that's where my idea happens .
This chapters mention goes to ___trebleclef I juts started reading her fan fiction and it's really good also they are a small page and I know I am to but every bit of help is good right?
If you want me to mention you in here then please just say or if you have any good writers that are good then I can mention those as well for you!
May the force be with you always

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