Chapter Thirty

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I literally roll off my bed. I go to my bathroom and shower. After my shower I go to my desk. I laid out my outfit for the day.

Turquoise pants, tan and white striped tank top, white blazer, turquoise necklace and nude pumps.

I blow dry my hair, do my makeup, then grab my JS. Couldn't get rid of it, it's been there for me longer than my mint hair. I first dyed my hair when I was thirteen years old.

I walk downstairs, to the kitchen. After making my smoothie, I walk to my car.


"Hey, Daniels," Tress wraps his arm around my shoulders. I peel it off though.

"Tress, you know I'm not ready to date," I frown.

"Look, whatever happened that's in the past."

"It's a really big part of my past, Tress. You don't know what happened. It didn't even happen a whole month ago!"

"Almost. It's been three weeks!"

"If you knew what happened, you would know that it's just hard for me to get up in the morning. Let alone date." I turn on my heel and walk to my locker.


I walk into my next class, next period is lunch thank goodness.

I'm starving probably because since I couldn't eat my granola bar this morning. I've gotten into this routine. Smoothie and granola bar in the morning, some healthy food for lunch, small snack after school and whatever we have for dinner. The other day I woke up late and didn't have a smoothie, by lunch I was as starving as I am today.

I walk with Rosewood, Winners, Harris and Reynolds to the cafeteria. As we walk to our table, people are staring at me. More than when I had mint hair.

"Why are people looking at me?" Harris whispers in my ear. She's right next to me.

"Not you, Harris! Daniels," Reynolds whispers back.

"Why me?" I whisper.

"Guess people saw you and Tress," Reynolds shrugs.

"Good god," I mumble under my breath sitting down.

"Hey guys!" Park chirps happily.

"What's got you all giddy?" W. Brown asks.

"What's got you all grumpy?" V. Brown asks.

"What's with all these questions?" Lance asks.

"Why am I friends with you people?" I ask.

"Because you wouldn't have any friends without us!!" They all yell, making me jump and everyone who wasn't already staring, stare.

I blush and quickly look at my caesar chicken salad wrap. Yeah, I forgot what it feels like to be stared at.

"Losing your touch?" I freeze at the sound of that voice.

No. He can't be here.

How'd- when'd-

No. I imagined it.

I shake my head, trying to shake the fact that he might be here.

I turn around, to make sure that he isn't here.

But there he is.


Author's Note


I don't know ;)

Okkkk byeeeee


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