chapter 3: miu knows my secret

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Miu's pov:
Everyone had just force me to go look for them. Ugh, why me? I do feel bad for kokichi though. Kaito can be such  a dick sometimes.
Ouma clearly has a crush on shuichi, everyone is just to blind to see. He ALWAYS stares at him in class, I've even cought him once writing in a fucking diary. IM DYING TO KNOW WHATS IN THERE. It's properly about shuichi.

I didn't really know where to look first, he could of gone anywhere! Think,think,think! I'll try the park first, that's where I cought him writing in his diary.

I sneakly stepped into the park and come to my surprise I see kokichi and shuichi. I got a little closer without them noticing and saw that ouma was leaning his head on shuichi, his arms wrapped around shuichi's checkered jacket and fast asleep.
"HOLY SHIT" I screamed
"MIU! I-uh shhhhh! Ouma's a light sleeper!" he whispered
"awwww you likeeee himmmm?"
I saw shuchis face heat up
"N-no! I'm not gay, he's just a friend"
"Sureee, anyway you have to wake him up we need to get back"
"B-but... I don't wanna wake him up he looks so... peaceful"
"THEN CARRY HIM BITCH" I spoke a little louder, but  still whispered.
Shuichi picked him up bridal style and i began laughing but holding my hand over my mouth so ouma could sleep.
"S-shut up!"

Shuichi's pov:
Ouma was fast asleep in my arms, snoring quitley. He had fallen asleep when we where talking about kaito. Poor thing.

I didn't realize but apparently I  was starting at kokichi smirking.
"Shuichi I swear to god just admit you like him! I won't tell anyone. Not like I'll judge you either, I'm litterly bisexual" (ps. In the story miu is bi and out of the closet so everyone knows skksksksk)
"I-I know... but... I don't know if I like him or not...i..."
I couldn't finish my sentence
"Just spit it out! I'll listen to you rant"
Was miu actually being nice? Woah. Never expected that
"You see..  I-um.. im just always flustered by his 'romantic' jokes and... I dunno he's just... kinda I'm c-c-"
Was I just about to say CUTE? I can't say that in front of miu.
"Cute? See, you DO like him!"
Miu had just finished my sentence. How did she know? I've not been showing these emotions around him, have I?
"I... I guess... but I swear to that atua guy Angie is always talking about if you tell anyone I will-"
"dont worry lovebird I wont tell a soul"
"Thanks miu"

We arrived at the gym and I placed kokichi down on his bed (btw it's a blow up bed snsjsbyskjtwgitbstvfs)

"So... what happened?"
Kaede asked.  I wasn't about to say what REALLY happened. About him sleeping on me, of course
"He-" SHOOT miu was about to tell everyone!
"He dragged me to the park and then fell asleep. That's it. That's the truth no more to the story!"
"Huh? Shuichi are you okay?"
"Yup! Fine!"
I ran towards my bed and sat down, pulling my hat (yes he brought his hat) down so you couldn't see my eyes

"Guys, it's getting late. Do you think we should go to sleep?" Rantaro asked
"But rantaro! Kokichi fell asleep he didn't get to see my masterpiece!"
Angie said with a disappointing look on her face
"I got this" miu walked over to ouma

Kokichi's pov:
I can't believe that just happened. I fell asleep on shuichi! but... it was just a dream? No. It can't be. Im in a dream and I don't wanna wake up PLEASE ... NO!
I rose up in shock.
"Uh... ouma? What where you dreaming about?"
I couldn't help but say what was on my mind. I didn't mean to, it like someone was making me do it
"Kokichi calm down, what happened?" Kaede looked concerned
"Shuichi? Did we just go to the park?"
"Yeah... why?"
I signed in releaf.
"Uh... care for an explanation?" Asked kaede
Luckily Angie interrupted us. Thank atua
"Ouma! Ouma! You're awake! I did the drawing for you!"
Angie walked over to me and handed me a canvas with maki choking miu and miu making that 'hentai' face
"Since you are my friend ouma, you can have it for free!"
Angie gigled at my comment.
"Anyway, like I said. It's late, we should go to sleep....." rantaro repeated
"Yeah you're right" kaede replied
Everyone had returned to their bed and miu turned the lights off

I lay on my bed and got lost in my thoughts. I can't believe I just fell asleep on SHUICHI! I just can't believe it! Wait... am I wearing shuichi's jacket? How did I not notice! How did everyone else not notice? I hug the jacket and fall into a deep sleep.

Ahvagva gabiydhgivavg I had so much fun writing this and once again SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER its not too short I guess but still. And I know I was gonna publish this yesterday but i forgot I'm sowwe! Also I don't HATE kaito that much (although he's my least favourite)  but in this chapter  I  made him a dick- he won't be like in the other chapters I think OOP anyway luv chu thank you for voting 😘

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