chapter 9: I like kokichi?

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Omg im actually on schedule a day early actually  neat and Uhh ive noticed i put ' ..... 'alot and im sorry- anyway back to the fic skskksksk
"And that's when I realised

I am gay

I do like kokichi"

My cheeks turned bright pink and I continued to head back.

So... I... like him.... but how do I tell him? I don't even know if he's gay! I don't even know if im gay, well, I'm not straight that's for sure.
And even if he was gay, I don't think he'd be into me.
I mean, he does always 'filrt' with me? Or is he just being nice? Ughhh kokichi get out of my head!

I look back down at ouma and saw his eyes slowly open

"Tch...where are we?"
"Oh uh well you fell asleep and it was getting dark and i- I um- didn't wanna wake you so i just kinda carried you back,but hehe we're here now!"

I put kokichi down, he was still half asleep and rubbing his eyes

"Mkay" kokichi yawned
"Im tired"
"I know, come inside and you can go to sleep"
I cautiously open the back door and sneakly went upstairs and into my with kokichi, trying not to wake my uncle up.

Kokichi rubbed his eyes again.
"Are you tired?"
"No,not really but if you're tired then you can sleep whenever"
"Thank you shu"

It's kinda weird how many nicknames ouma gives me, like 'shu' or 'shumai'.
Its kinda cute, i do like him...... how do i tell him? I'll proberly tell miu at school tommorow. I can trust her.

Does kokichi like me back? Come to think about it, i don't think friends act like this around eachother. Friends don't sleep in the same bed and cuddle, friends don't do the things we do. So... maybe.... or is he just being nice? Ughhh this is so confusing!

"You alright there shuichi? You keep on zoning out"

"A-a! Oh um yeah im good"
"Okay! Thank you for letting me watch the sunset with you nehehe~ it was so fun!" Ouma didn't look as tired now
"Hehe... no problem"

It went silent again. I really wanna ask him out, maybe just on a date? He proberly wont say yes, but maybe ill do it tommorow,when i tell miu that i like ouma.

"I wanna go to sleep now shumia!"
"Oh okay that's fine i guess ill go to sleep too"

Then as i turned out the light, i fell into a deep sleep.

Kokichis pov:

That was honestly amazing, picture this. You had a crush on this guy for like ever. Then, when your abusive mum tries to murder you, he takes you to his house and helps you. Then lets you stay at his house, as well as taking you out late at night to watch the sunset. Well, that just happened. And i still cant believe it.  This is so far the best day of my life.

Its a shame i have insomnia , it kinda helps me having shuichi here though. Its less scary but i still struggle to sleep.

The fact that someone is actually showing me affection is the best feeling in the world, i hope everyone will get to experience this feeling.

I close my eyes and tried to sleep.

Shuichi pov:

Kokichi was still sleeping (obviously) and i didnt want to wake him up since he has trouble sleeping, but he needs to get ready and eat..... ughhhhh what do i do?

I walk over to my bed and poked him.

"Uh, ouma... wake up"
"Hm? Oh *yawn* hi"
"H-hi come on we need to go to school and you need  breakfast"
"Im fine shu im not hungry~"
"But its not healthy to-"

Kokichi ignored me and grabbed his uniform (he put it on blah blah im not writing the bit when he gets changed yall are perverts)

"Lets go! We need to go back to our dorms and unpack!" Kokichi said with a smile, hes clearly a morning person.

{at dorms}

"Finally we're here!"
Kokichi flopped on his bed.
"It was only 15 minutes...."
"Well im still tried, and i have to do work today which also sucks"
"Yeah true"

I realised that i had to tell miu about my feelings towards kokichi, i don't have too but she likes kaede, so it would be good news to her.

Ill tell her in homeroom.

"Kokichi you ready to go?"

Kokichi skipped beside me acting like a child, like always.

I open the door and me and kokichi walk in

Oh there's miu, i need to tell her but i don't wanna leave ouma alone....

"Um... ouma mind if i go tell miu something real quick?"

"Oh.. okay!"

He seemed pretty disappointed at me leaving,but i still need to tell miu.

"Um miu..."
"Huh? What  is it you finally admitting you like-"
I cover her mouth
"Yes, i am actually. But don't you dare say anything!"
"S-shut up!"
"Awww flustered shuichi huh?"

i knew she would tease me.
"N-no! Leave me alone im going to ouma know..."
"geez sorry, but seriously! Ask him out on a date! OMG ASK HIM OUT TO PROM THIS YEAR!"
"i- okay, fine. When is prom?"
"Exactly 3 months! Better get prepared it takes a lot  to impress him!"

I walk away from miu and back to kokichi
"Sorry about that ouma"
"Its fine! What where you gonna tell her?"
"Oh ya know um... just...things..."
"Are you hiding something from me?"
"Yes... no.... kinda... its mius secret."
I lied, she does have a secret but thats not what this is about
"Nehehe~ you're a bad liar shuichi! Ill find out soon though!"

Its true, i know he'll find out soon. I might have a shot... hopefully.

Okay ik my chapters are getting really short but ive been really fucking sad lately and ive been trying to get better but its hard. reading  your nice comments is really  helping me 😭 so ima expose my tiktok its @babykiwi_cos. Writing is also a coping mechanism for me so ty 💞💞💞💞 btw if you are reading this you are my child now even if u are older ily child get some sleep hehe

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