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Kokichi's pov:

I cant believe it.

I cant decide whether im having the best time of my life or the worst. My abusive mum well.. abused me. Kaito is being kaito, but then shuichi helps me. comes out of the closet. AND ASKS ME ON A DATE. MY CRUSH. ASKED ME. ON. A. DATE.

I smiled and held my wrist with the bandage shuichi wrapped on it. My cheeks turned bright pink

"You alright there?" Shuichi chuckled. I forgot he was watching me
"Mhm! Nehehe~ why wouldn't i be?"
"Well... you're wrist.."
"Oh don't worry, it doesn't hurt!"
"I can tell when people lie, kokichi"

Of course shuichi would know, he's the ultimate detective after all.
"Sorry shuichi, I just didn't want you to worry"
"Its okay"
"U-uh when did you wanna go out?"
"Whenever! I don't mind"
"T-tommorows good then?"
"Where did you wanna go?"
"Wherever you wanna go, shuichi!"
He gigled. "I'm asking you!"
"Come on you know I can never make decisions for myself!"
"Alright then, wanna watch that new my hero academia movie? I heard you liked that anime..."
"No problem"

Shuichi pov:

I pull out my phone.

                   🔧Miu iruma🔧

So watcha doing with ouma😏😏😏😏

          Shut up. We are just hanging out.         Also uh... something happened

Wait what? Is he okay?

                   Yea and no. I don't think he     wants me to tell you. But it resulted in him crying, and also I asked him out on a date and he said yes


     Shush. Also you still need to make a move. I have been and you are being a  pussy

GEE YOU SOUND LIKE KOKICHI fine,I'll make a move. I'll ask her to prom only if you ask ouma to prom.


A few minutes past and I realised kokichi was just sat there in silence. He wasn't on his phone, he was just lost in his own puddle of thoughts. I can never know what he's thinking about.
"So uh hows your wrist?"
"I told you not to worry!"
"I know..."
"Well it's fine"

I have a feeling he doesn't want to talk to me,but why? I just asked him on a date and he said yes so.... why would he ignore me?

"I'm sleepy "
"Really?it's only 7pm"
"I know,I've not been getting A lot of sleep lately. Nightmares...."
"Oh,is there anyway I can help?"
"I don't think so..."

I need to start a conversation. What should I say? I could talk about the rumours  that's been going on? Although I don't really know much about it.

"Hey have you heard of the rumours?"


well that got his attention. I chuckled
"I don't know if  it's true, but apparently that ibuki girl likes mikan"

"OH my GOD TEA I think I know them,ibuki is the musician and mikan is the nurse?"

"Eek!that's adorable! I hope the rumours are true"

"Oh, you didn't tell anyone did you?"
"You didn't tell any one  I like guys"

Well I kinda implied it to miu...
"N-no I didn't"
"Did you? I know when people are lying"
"I swear!"
"You told miu, didn't you?"
"I'm sorry!  I implied it cuz I told her I asked you out...."
"Its fine I just hope she doesn't tell kaito"
"Why kaito?"
"He is very homophobic"

{Time skip owo it's like midnight now}

"Sleepy yet shuichi?"Ouma asked with tired eyes
"No, but I can tell you are. You should go to sleep"
"I would but I cant"
Kokichi put his head on my shoulder
"I don't wanna have another nightmare"
"Its fine,if you do I'll be right here
kokichi closed his eyes

Kokichi's dream:

"So,the rumours are true then?"
"Kaito.. please"
Kaito let out an evil laugh
"Is this necessary,kaito?" Maki asked
"Of course it is maki-roll! Don't worry,I won't let this gay f*ggot infect you!"
(Bleeping it out cuz it's a slur,sorry}
"K-kaito please don't! I don't have a decesise!"
Kaito punched ouma

"Ha!your funny if you think shuichi will like you back,he only asked you out over pitty"
"Y-you're lying!"
"Me? A liar? YOU are the only liar there is"
Kokichi pov:
"Its okay it was just another nightmare. I left to go to the bathroom and when I came back you where talking in your sleep and shaking"

"Oh.."I sat up and rubbed my head

It felt so real. I know every one says that when they had a bad dream,but it did. It's like i could feel the pain... but mentally

"What was it about?"
"It was just kaito being... kaito. he said t-that y-you only asked me out over pitty"
"Ouma I swear i didn't. Ask miu, ive been telling her I wanted to take you on a date for a while"
"Really? Y-you like me?"
"W-what?I mean.. i-well-"
"Nehehe~ *yawn* you're blushing! Anyway i wanna go back to sleep"
"Okay! I won't leave you this time I promise"

Closing my eyes, I fell asleep into shuichi's arms

Shuichi pov:

My eyes opened and I looked down at the purple boy still sleeping on my lap, I smirk and run my fingers through his hair. Wait What time is it? I get out my phone from my pocket. It's only 7am, school starts at 9 so I should get ready.. but i don't wanna disturb kokichi

I tap him on the shoulder
"Kokichi... u-uh time to wake up"
Kokichi moved a little
"Ngh- I don't wanna"
"Its 7am though"
"So? Why can't we just skip school? If anyone asks we were ill"
"Yeah,but it would be weird if both of us, roommates, coincidently got ill at the same time"
"Whatever I'm still skiping. I don't want to go to school"
"Why not? Oh.. it's kaito isn't it?"
"You guessed it"

Kokichi's mood suddenly changed.

"I'll make you a deal. I'll skip school today with you and we can do whatever you want,as long as you promise to go into school tommorow"
Kokichi sat up
"Okay!deal! Ooh we can go watch the movie today if you wanna"
"Of course! We have to sneak out though"
"OH PLEASE I've done this too many times. Come on! This is going to be so much fun!"

Okay so I'm aware this chapter is awful but hey it's not to short this time AND TO MAKE UP FOR ALL THE ANGST THE NEXT CHAPTER IS GOING TO BE SO WHOLESOME YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW

I'm also gonna update more frequently because I have nothing better to do in quarantine mood


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