chapter 14:Movie theatre

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Shuichi offered his hand and ouma hesitantly took his hand.
{Time skip cuz im lazy idk}

Me and kokichi  snook into the school and back to our dorm.
Kokichi flopped on his bed
"Waaa! I wanna watch the movie nowww"
"We cant, ouma-kun. Its not coming on for another 30 minutes"
"Do we have to wait?"
"Yes, we cant go any earlier or we'll be waiting for ages"
"Hmph!" Kokichi grunted and sat up
"Do you think anyone saw us?"
"No probably not, miu and kaede might of when we passed them. Pretty sure i heard miu yell our names as we ran out the door"
"Dang it" kokichi bit his finger and looked down
"Knowing miu she'd tell the whole school. Or maybe just kaede, and then kaede would tell tenko, and then tenko would tell himiko, and then-"
"Kokichi you're overreacting" i interrupted him
"Why dont you want people to know about us sneaking out anyway?"
"Well..uh... like i said. Miu is well,miu and might create rumours about us!"
"So?" Shuichi sat on the bed next to him "just ignore them. They aren't true" "but people will believe it. Maybe not coming from miu, but if she tells people someone else could create rumours"
"Kokichi please, they arent gonna create rumours. We'll be fine."
"Heh...thanks shumia"

{Another timeskip cuz im lazyyyy-}

I payed for the tickets and we walked into the theatre and sat down. Ouma tried to convince me to let him buy the tickets although i was the one who wanted to take him out on a date

"Shuichi! Shuichi!pay attention its starting!!!" Ouma said in excitement. God, he must really like this show. He managed to talk about it for hours when we were walking.

We were about 30 minutes into the film and he seemed to be really enjoying it, i tried hard to pay attention to the film for him but the whole time i was just staring at him,happy to see him happy.

Kokichi turned to face me and noticed i was staring
He whispered "nehehe~ you've been looking this whole time!" I blushed
He grabbed the popcorn and shoved it in my mouth
"Please watch for me~?"
I nodded


The movie was just about to end and i heard a sniffle from over my shoulder
"T-that w-was so sad" i could see tears building up in his eyes
"I- ouma you okay?"
"M-me? Of course i am! T-the ultimate supreme leader would NEVER cry at something l-like that!"

"Cmon kokichi its late you should go to sleep" i reach out my hand
"Mhm" ouma grabbed my hand and wiped his tears.

We walked outside the movie thearte for a bit until kokichi suddently stopped walking

I turn around
"Something wrong?" I begin to approach him
"Saihara...." he looks up at me
"Huh uh- HM????" I blush as he goes on his tip toes and kisses my lips, closing his eyes.

MMMMMM CLIFT HANGER KINDA ANYWAYS LOVELYS ENJOY LE FLUFF sorry this chapter is short but 😿 ill update again soon BYE LUV🤪🤪🤪🤪

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