chapter 8

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I just wanna say thank you for helping me, yall are so supportive and nice. Im now not scared if people find this, cuz writing is my current coping mechanism and im kinda salty bout drv3 ending so like- just ty! Ill expose my tiktok soon, yes i have tiktok and cosplay XD

Anyway back to the fanfic coco no one cares

Shuichi pov

{Idk what to write so time skip to uh 5pm}

It was 5pm and me and kokichi hadn't talked to eachother for a while, kokichi was on tiktok and i was listening to music{he was listening to panic! At the disco hehehe}

I'm still worried about him. He clearly isn't okay, i wish i could help but i dont think he trusts me..... i won't force the answer out of him, thats just wrong. But maybe i could just take his mind of whatever's happening in his life, i mean, he did get beat up by someone the other day. What do i do? He seemed to enjoy the park.... so... i can ask him if he wants to go?

"Uh... kokichi?" Ouma unplugged his headphones.
"W-wanna go to the park or something?" I said, playing with the sleeves of my shirt.
"Yeah! But not now, Its not dark out yet!!"
"It might be dangerous to go outside when its too dark..."
"I guess... can we go out at sunset?"
It worked! Hopefully this will help....

{At sunset}

"Can we go nowwww?"
"Yeah... i guess.. try and be quiet while we go though my uncle doesn't know we are going outside..."

I slowly opened the door and went down stairs, kokichi walking behind me.

We went through the back door slowly and walked outside

"Thank you" kokichi said out of no ware.
"F-for what?"
"Seriously? Everything! You're letting me stay at yours and take care of me AND don't hate me as much as the others!"
"I don't hate you at all...." oumas Cheeks turned pink.
"S-see! You're a really good friend,shuichi"

'You're a really good friend, shuichi'

He just gave me a compliment... but.. it hurts.... 'friend'. why does it hurt so much...

"Y-you too....."

Ouma smiled unaware of what's going on in my head.

We to walked through the dark night. The sky started to get dark and the sun began to disappear.

"Quick shumia! I wanna see the sun set!!! Follow me, I know exactly where to go!"
"H-huh? I thought we where going to the p-" kokichi grabbed my hand and dragged me along.

He led me to a small hill and we went up and finally stopped. I tried to catch my breath.

Kokichi sat down on the grass and I sat next to him. I took a quick glance at him. His eyes where lit up and had a big smile on his face. Not a grin or smirk like he usually does, a real smile. He was happy......

Whatever had gone on yesterday was off his mind and I was glad to see that.

I didn't realise how long I was staring at him because he soon looked back at me.

He giggled " nehehe~ why are you looking at me?"
"I-uh w-well...."
I stuttered struggling to find an exuse
"Awww!!! Does my beloved saihara-chan like meee?"
"N-no it's not like that! I was just happy to see you happy since you weren't before!"
Ouma covered his mouth and laughed.
"So you hate meee?" Kokichi tried to look upset (he wasn't)
"WAAAA! YOU'RE SO MEAN!" there goes the fake tears again. But what if he just wants attention? Ugh, fine I'll say something
"Don't cry kokichi! I don't hate you at all!"
Kokichi stopped 'crying'
"Yay! Nehehe"
Ouma hugged me, well that worked. I wonder how he learnt to fake cry like that?

{Time skip: sun has set and its now dark}

"It's getting really dark kokichi, it might be dangerous. Should we head back?"
"Uh- kokichi?"
I looked down at him laying on my lap and realised he was asleep.

Great. I'm not waking him up so uh.. I'll just carry him I guess and hope for the best

I pick him up and start walking back home, hoping my uncle didn't notice I was out.

As i was walking back, I looked down at him in my arms. I just stared and stared at his sleepy face. A small smirk appeared on my face and that's when I realised.

I am gay... and

I do like kokichi....

I'm part of the skittles gang now shoot.

Short chapter, I know. But I saw that one of yous added my fic to your reading list at 2am. Thank you, but child get to sleep! Everyone reading this is my child now I adopted you.

Also big thank for all the reads. Hugz

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