Honey moon; part 2

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Samantha: waking up I couldn't wait to experience the whole Bahamas trip. Jai was still asleep so I just left him alone and jumped into the shower. I took about a 15 minute shower then got out to get dressed. I put on my black skater shirt and a half shirt. It was pink. I didn't feel like looking too pretty so I threw my hair up into a sloppy bun and threw on some pink sandals. I just couldn't wait to go to the beach with my baby and out to dinner tonight. I haven't really got to experience the place yet. I was too tired last night.

At this point I really miss my daughter. And best friend. I decided to call my daughter then my best.

The phone ringed for about 9 seconds before my mom answered the phone. "Hey baby how are you" she said. "Hi mom. I'm fine." I said smiling. "Are you enjoying yourself?" She asked. "Yes I haven't really got to go out yet but I'm dressed now." "How's Jaimer ?" She asked. "Oh he's good, he's still sleep. I'm going to wake him up as soon as I call Jaida" I said back. "Okay good." I said. "How's my Alicia doing?" I asked concerned. "Umm she's good. Perfect." She said back hesitant. " can I talk to her?" I asked . "Uhhh she's in the tub right now. Maybe later." She said trying to hurry and hang up. "... Mom... Mom..?" I asked scared but she had hung up. I'm really nervous right now. Why is she in the tub alone? . I really didn't wanna over think it but I was nervous.

I decided to wake up Jai and ask him what he thought.

"Baby, baby.. I'm scared" I said shaking him. "What's wrong?" He said Turing over looking at me. "I just got off the phone with my mom, I asked to speak to Alicia and she wouldn't let me, and she said she was in the tub. But there wasn't anyone watching her." I sad. Starting to cry. "Are you sure that's what happened.?" He said sitting up sounding nervous as we'll. " yes that's is what happened. !!!" I Said starting to scream. "Aye baby don't start getting loud with me, I'm just trying to help." He said. "I know I'm sorry."

Jai sat up and held my hands. "Look everything's going to be okay. Try to call her back, maybe the phone was disconnected." He said handing me the phone. I dialed my moms number and it started ringing. But then went straight to voice mail. " see, I told you, she's ignoring my calls." I said nervous. "Call Jaida and A'lontae. Maybe Jaida can go over and get Alicia from your mother." He said . Making perfect sense. I dialed jaidas number. "Hello?" She picked up. "OMG have you been over to see Alicia?!?" I asked. "No, I was busy working all day today, why.. What's wrong." She asked . "We'll, I called my mom and asked to speak to her but she wouldn't let me, she said she was In the tub, but she was alone. I don't know what's going on and I need to know if my baby is okay.!!" I told her, speaking extra fast. "Calm down, I'm getting in my car now, I'm going to check and make everything alright. I'll call back when I get more information." With that, I thanked her and we hung up.

Grandma Lacey: the baby wouldn't stop crying, I didn't know what to do. I was getting a headache and before I knew what I was doing I smacked her. She got louder, so I kept smacking her and she went unconscious. I was so scared. I felt guilty when Sam called that's why I hung up. Now my granddaughter is laying unconscious. I don't know what to do. If I call the police, they are going to know it was me, but if I don't, something had could happen to the baby.

I decided to call the police.
*ring ring*
"911 what's your emergency?"
"My granddaughter isn't moving and I don't know what's going on."
"What happened, did you do anything to make this situation occur?"
"Stop asking me questions. Send somebody for help.!!" I gave my address and about 5 minutes later I heard the ambulance pull up .. & Jaida.

"WHAT IS GOING ON!!!" I heard Jaida scream. Tears flowing. "Um Alicia is unconscious and I called the police." I said back. "How did she get unconscious?" Jaida asked. "Uhhhhhh I don't know, Im getting help." I said, trying to make sense. "I think you have something to do with this ms. Lacey and if you don't speak up, I will." She said.

"We'll, Alicia wouldn't stop crying and i spazzed out, and started beating her basically. I didn't think it would hurt her that much, she needs discipline." I said. "discipline? ... Do you not just know how BAD YOU HURT YOUR GRAND DAUGHTER, AND YOUR DAUGHTER IS OVER SEAS WORRIED. SHE SENT ME OVER HERE TO CHECK ON HER BABY AND I COME TO FIND THIS OUT!!!! YOUR GOING TO JAIL FOR THIS AND I MEAN IT!!!!" Jaida screamed. Running up to the police, she told them everything, they took Alicia to the hospital and I was put in hand cuffs.....

Jaida: after I rushed to the hospital to see my God daughter, I had to break the news to Samantha and Jaimer. Although I was so hurt, I'm glad they took Ms. Lacey because she doesn't deserve to be around her grand daughter anymore. That was wrong. As I dialed her number... She picked up within seconds. "Is everything okay?" Sam answered. "Um sorry. No it isn't" I said. "What .. What happened?" She said nervous. "Your mother.. Beat Alicia Unconscious. I'm at the hospital right now, and things aren't looking too good." I said. "Oh my goodness, I'm catching the next flight home. We're just going to have to post-pone our honeymoon." She said crying. "Thanks bestfriend, I'll call you when I'm back in town.

Samantha: I broke the news to Jaimer and he was so hurt. We packed everything quickly and made our way back to the air port. He agreed we can have our honeymoon another time and we need to take care of business at home before anything else. We love our little girl and we will do anything for her.
We went to the airport and caught the next flight. Sitting on the plane, we were holding hands, I was crying, thanks to Jaimer, he was trying to stay strong for the both of us.

Our trip ended before it even begun, but Im just worried about my little girl. She has to make it. Just for me. 😫😭😭

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