Author's note

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About this story

It's a love story between an insecure young man and his exuberant coworker.
It deals with insecurity, fragile emotions and struggle with lack of self-esteem issues.
Although the names of the protagonists are borrowed from Priest's novel Guardian, this story is entirely my own and in no other way related to her novel.
It's a work of fiction, in no way it depicts real people or events, and it's not my intention to offend anyone with my poor knowledge of things.
It depicts the romantic feelings of a same-sex couple.


This is a new love story based on prompt n.5 of the Open Novella Contest.

"We regret to inform you that you have been engaged. We wish you the best of luck with your new spouse"

I know I changed the prompt a bit but it was allowed to work around it as long as it was recognisable. I'm not sure if I changed it too much (what I changed is that he is not being engaged without his will or knowing, but still he didn't choose her...)

A novella is a story between 20.000 and 40.000 words, but they only care for the first 20.000.

I was supposed to make a first entry at 2.000 words then in case I pass the first round, entry my story again at 8.000 and then 20.000.

Obviously I never hoped I might actually win it, that would be insane, also because I've seen the names of some people participating and there's no chance on Earth that might happen, I probably won't even pass the first round, BUT, a very important 'but', I thought it would be fun to do something along with so many other people.

So I thought I'd give it a try to see if I could follow their plan and deadlines...

After freaking out for weeks I now know that I can't write checking the wordcount so I started thinking of giving up the whole idea.

I was giving up the story completely but I didn't like the idea of sending my babies into oblivion, so now I've decided to follow my own time and see how it goes.

So! I hope something good came out of all the freaking out.

Having said that, I thank anyone gives this or any of my other stories a chance.
If you like them please vote for them ^_^
And if you read this entire page and are still here, raise your hand with me and shout Chocolate!
I salute you for your bravery! A cup of hot chocolate is here for you!

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