The Meeting

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That night, Soda and I made sure the entire gang was there before we began.

We stood in living room, Darry looks suspicious.

"You're not gonna tell me your gettin married, are ya?" He asks.

Soda laughs, "Naw, Caren has somethin she needs to say."

The gang looks expectantly at me.

I sigh, "Earlier today, um, my ex boyfriend came to the DX. He came to warn me that my dad had his gang lookin for me. Soda heard it."

Two looks angry, Ponyboy looks interested, Darry looks alarmed, Steve looks annoyed.

"That was the guy in the shop earlier?" Steve asks.

Soda nods.

Darry opens his mouth after thinking for a second.

"What's he and his gang look like?"

I think back quickly, it had been awhile since I had seen them.

"My dad, he's tall, black hair, looks like he's in his mid 30s. He actually 48. He is clean cut, little stubble. He wears a scowl, has green eyes. Bushy eyebrows.
He has a really big gang, some 11 people. All of them are tall, wear brown, clean cut, they wear grease too." I finish, giving them an okay description of everyone.

"We'll keep our eyes open. For a few weeks, maybe Soda should stay kinda close to ya." Darry suggests.

Soda nods in agreement.

"It's fine, really, I can handle my self." I urge.

"No Car, we're gonna make sure they don't get ya" Two insists.

"And if Soda can't be there, tell me. I'll join ya." Ponyboy offers.

I smile at him, "Okay Pony."

He smiles back. I've always thought of Ponyboy as my brother.

"Are we done? I wanna get some chocolate crack." Steve breaks the nice moment.

I sigh, "Yeah."

Greaser Girl // Sodapop CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now