It's Gonna Be 4/20 For A Whole Month

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Tagged by Memphis_Granday taanks

Tagged by Memphis_Granday taanks

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1. Me ma calls me Cousin It because my hair covers my face all the time

2. Biting my nails, pulling the skin off my lip (my lip looks like a nightmare afterwards), and having a full blown conversation with nobody.

3. I only have one and that's arachnophobia. And starfish I guess, not scared of them they just weird me out.

4. Twentieth Century Fox by The Doors or Space Truckin' by Deep Purple

5. So there's this couple in my class who will talk to each other quietly, not whispering while the teacher is teaching and I can hear from the other side of the damn classroom. And it doesn't help my favorite class is social studies. Basically, talking in class quietly yet everyone can hear you.

6. My leg randomly starts shaking.

7. Middle, sometimes right.

8. I think it was an elephant named Ellie.

9. I don't go to Starbucks.

10. How is this important?

11. Oh yeah. I can cross my eyes and I'm double jointed so I freak people out when doing weird things with my thumbs and arm.

12. I don't know, mac n cheese I guess.

13. Don't use that language in my Christian Minecraft server or Don't look at me in that tone of voice

14. Clothes

15. Dresses. *cringes*

Taggity Boop

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