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(Before you say anything, do NOT force your religion down my throat! I won't force mine, you won't force yours. If you do, I will delete your comment. Before I start, I'm not forcing MY religion down your throat.)

Religion. Hell, some countries you can go to jail for what you believe in.

I'm from a family where I'm Baptist Christian (is that a thing) by blood. Thanks mom. Not saying it's a bad thing.

My mom's foster family is as Christian is Christian can get. But at this point, it's surprising how my mom is Christian besides the fact that she breaks several rules in the Bible. (Can't drink, can't smoke, can't have tattoos, can't cuss)

So, growing up I've been taught about Easter and Christmas and Jesus and all that. Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ and Easter is related to Jesus being crucified. Good Friday (that day that we get off of school) is the day that Jesus was crucified on the cross. Three days later on Easter Sunday (aka Easter), he was buried and disappeared.

Now let me tell you, in Kindergarten, they only taught us about Easter and Christmas. I thought it was cool, looking back on it I really wished they would've teach us about holidays from other religions. Guys, don't assume that everyone believes in Christianity. I know people who are Hindu, Jewish, and Atheist.

Religion is one of those things that's forced to be in my life because like I said earlier, my mom has foster parents who are Christian. We are there three times a year: Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. They're fun don't get me wrong.

Back in late 2017 I watched The Rad Brad play a walkthrough of Call Of Duty World War Two and my favorite character was and still is Zussman. The background you need is that he's Jewish. For several months, I thought I was Jewish. Yeah, I was an idiot.

But I'm being serious when I say this: I want to convert. Yeah, the "Good Christian Child" wants to be Jewish. Have I ever converted religions? No.

Like I said earlier, my grandparents are Christian as it can get. My mom believes in Jesus and all that but she's not like stupid religious. Hey, not even my mom is a good Christian child. Anyway, it wouldn't be easy to go full Jewish so I decide that I would remain Christian but also be Jewish. As in, half in half (or until I move out and become an independent woman of society mom you can't tell me no)

I don't know how hard it is to convert, but my mom says she won't let me because it's hard to convert when you've been one religion for your entire life.

That's all I wanted to say. Kids, believe what you wanna believe in. As long as you're not hurting anyone, go for it.

And if you become a teacher, don't just teach about Christian holidays. Other kids wanna know the other religious holidays too.

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