10 Favorite Comic Book Characters

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So, yeah. This list will be plauged with mainly DC characters. Trust me, there will be at least one Marvel character here.

10. Deathstroke

He's a badass old man. Enough said

9. John Constantine

Those who don't know, Constantine is a wizard basically. He's also British. He also looks like he woke up in an alleyway because he was piss faced drunk the previous night. Love me some Constantine

8. Red Hood

Good old Jason Todd. He's a fucking psychopath, but unlike most of them he knows where to draw the line (no women or children). He kills, sure, but he knows if he did go too far

7. The Riddler

EDWARD NYGMA MY BOY!!! I like Riddler a bit too much c: (I still need to see Batman Forever that's the one that does have Riddler in it right?)

6. Catwoman

Ah yes, everyone's favorite cat person. From what I can tell, she just steals and is a relationship with Batman. She has a weird history, but damn she's good

5. Green Lantern Kyle Rayner

Out of all the Green Lanterns, Kyle is the most creative. And from what I've seen, he is the only Green Lantern that will beat the absolute shit out of someone for a random stranger (see Green Lantern Vol. 3 #134)

4. Nightwing

He has a nice ass. Kidding, but seriously he does. Anyway, he's the first Robin (aka Dick Grayson) and is the only one still close to Batman (besides Tim). He uses his acrobatics to his advantages (and has a stupid fucking death in Injustice)

3. Scarecrow

I love me some Dr. Jonathan Crane. Intellect wise, he seems to be the smartest. I mean, the guy will find your deepest fears without having to touch you

Look Batman just has the best rogue's  gallery

2. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)

Were any of you surprised? It's Hal Jordan, he is the greatest Green Lantern (even says it in the comics). He's fearless, he's brave, he can make the right calls. He's awesome. Need I go on?

1. Deadpool

Yeah, I love this guy. He's fucking funny, he has a loud mouth, you guys know I love Deathstroke and Deadpool is aa copy of him. He breaks the 4th wall. What is there not to love about him?

(I was going to add Wolverine but he didn't quite make the list. Also Two-Face was going to be in here)

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