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Megatron let out a nasty snarl when he felt a painful pressure on his lower back, his silver plating starting to buckle under the weight of Optimus's pede. He wasn't used to feeling that kind of debilitating pain. He was always the one who gave it, after all.

'Finish me off, you wretch...' he thought, the only sound the warlord managed to make were a few uncharacteristically pained whines. He silently cursed, wishing he could let loose a string of nasty curses.

"Surrender now, Megatron." Optimus said sternly, cool tone collected and steady. He was a true leader, even Megatron had to grudgingly admit that.

"N-Nev-er!" Megatron panted, vents starting to get crushed.

"Finish him off, Optimus. You will never get a better chance." Arcee snapped, purple flecked optics glaring daggers at Megatron.

Optimus shook his helm a little, although he put more pressure on Megatron's back. There was a muffled yelp and a nasty snap when something broke. Megatron's claws dug into the metal ground of Cybertron as he gritted his sharpened dentas. He couldn't show weakness-not after all he had suffered through.

"Megatron, we are not going to kill you." Optimus said softly, wincing when he heard the sickening snap of the other mech's back cables.

"Cowards!" Megatron spat, venting hard even when the pede was removed.

"You will be put on trial."

"Trial?! Kill me, you rust minded fool!" Megatron snarled, trying to lash out at him although he couldn't even stand. "We all know what I am guilty of!"

"For my own conscious I will need to see you on trail and have your actions judged there. Before then, you will wait in a cell. There is much to do before we can decide your punishment." Optimus said sternly, sounding more like an annoyed wise man than a leader.

"Silence! You are a coward, Optimus! You were always too good for the world and yet you forgot about the miners! You left us to rust while you basked in the glory of being a Prime!" Megatron hissed, knowing this would hit hard enough for now. "You abandoned me, Orion Pax. I never abandoned my people."

Optimus looked away, shuttering his optics for a moment before he lifted the dead wight of Megatron into his arms. The warlord snarled like a vicious wild animal, all claws and teeth. The Prime entirely ignored him, sent into a world of past memory files that he had kept pushed behind a closed door.

"We all hurt, Orion, but you have caused me the most suffering of any other."

Optimus said nothing the rest of the way into the reinforced cells of Cybertron's main war prison. It was crumbling still, but the cell would hold Megatron for the time being. The Autobots and remaining Decepticons watched as their former enemy was placed in one of the cells and closed in, his blazing vermillion optics locked on their backs as they turned to leave.

"We should call a medic. Ratchet?" Optimus asked softly, seeing Megatron could hardly move. Ratchet looked appalled and shook his helm vigorously.

"Go in a cell with that monster? I think not!" Ratchet spluttered.

"Optimus, he deserves it." Arcee said, taking the mech's larger servo in hers as she led him away to where the city was already being rebuilt. "He's less dangerous that way. It's really for the better."

"I suppose..." Optimus said, optics downcast in thought. There had to be some way to bring his once close friend out of his misery.

"Come on, Optimus. Lighten up! The war is over now and he will not be a threat for much longer!" Ratchet said reassuringly, patting his friend and leader on his shoulder. "You worry too much."

Optimus just shook his helm a little in deep thought, wondering what he had gotten himself into. Not only himself, but Megatron as well. He was keeping the mech alive, and for what? To suffer more so than he had already? For a Prime it was a very hard choice.

But there was always a solution to even the hardest of problems.

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