Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Megatron swore he felt something in his left leg, but he really couldn’t tell thanks to the broken spinal cable. Growling, he rolled over and tried to get a look at what could have caused the tiny pinch. Maybe he was recovering and he was starting to feel pain again...

Ratchet pushed open the cell door when he heard the mech venting deeply, the stasis inducing gun he had created working remarkably well so far. He knelt down and pulled the dart from Megatron’s lower leg cable and smiled. What a wonderful new invention! 

“Can you repair him?” Optimus asked softly, kneeling down with Ratchet to look at the damage. 

“It won’t take me long. Hand me my tools, will you?” Ratchet asked, waving a servo expectantly. 

Optimus honestly couldn’t watch these kind of procedures and had to look away, convincing himself it was for the better if Megatron was fixed before the trial the next day. 

“There. He should be able to walk now with a bit of soreness left over. But that makes him more dangerous.” Ratchet warned softly, giving Optimus a knowing look. “During the trial you will have to control him.”

Optimus nodded once before he ushered Ratchet out of the cell, seeing Megatron shift slightly as he started to come back online. Ratchet knew what was happening and didn’t take an extra second escaping from the cell that contained the most dangerous mech alive. 

“It will be good to have him terminated after the trail. He’s more trouble than he’s worth.” the medic said, shaking his helm. 

“I am sure there will be a way.” Optimus agreed, although his way had no kind of killing in it. 


Megatron smiled inwardly when they cuffed his servos behind his back. Did they honestly think those would control him? A gladiator? He was walking among a world of fools.

“Move.” Smokescreen snapped, shoving Megatron a little. The silver mech flashed the younger transformer a nasty grin and moved as he was commanded. 

Megatron plodded along down the hallways of the prison towards the half rusted double doors of the court room. He kept his processor content on the prospect of killing a great deal of them before he went down. Oh, what a glorious way to die! 

Smokescreen led him into the open room, the seats filled with Autobot and Decepticon alike. Ignoring the stares, Megatron took his place before the large podium at the head of the room. In truth he despised looking up at it, but he was willing to if he must. He just hoped there would be a few mechs close enough he could reach before they realized what was going on. 

“You have been summoned here today for acts of treason, murder, and unlawful conduct.” Optimus’s strong voice called down from the podium. “You may plead your case and we will have a vote after you have been heard.”

Megatron glanced to the left and right of Optimus to see Arcee, Ratchet, and Bulkhead on one side of the Prime and Starscream, Knock Out, and Soundwave on the other. 

“I am guilty on all accounts, Prime. Let me save you some time.” he chuckled, rolling his fiery red optics. 

“Is that all you wish to say?” Optimus asked softly, shimmering blue optics watching him closely. Megatron snorted a little and grinned. 

“If you would like me to add something, I would like to say I had a grand time ripping apart Sentinel all those centuries ago.” 

Optimus recoiled as if he had been hit and turned to the transformers on each side. “Cast your votes.” he said, voice wavering for a brief moment. 

The votes were quickly cast, the optics above all watching Megatron for any sign of aggression. The silver mech clenched his dentas, hating that he was being looked down upon by those who thought themselves better. It would never change. 

“Megatron, you are pronounced guilty on all charges.” Optimus said, shaking his helm when he saw even Megatron’s past army had given him a condemning vote. 

“What will my execution be, Prime? Something fitting, no doubt.”

“You will not be executed at all.” Optimus said firmly, shouts and hisses of uproar beginning when the shocking news was spoken. 

“You have to kill him!” Smokescreen snapped, optics narrowed. “What has gotten into you, Optimus?!” 

“Megatron wishes to die, so therefore I am denying him what he wishes. He will remain quite alive and he will be forcebonded.” 

“WHAT?!” Megatron yelped, truly horrified. “I will be forcebonded to no one!” 

Smokescreen let out a strangled cry when stasis-cuffed servos came slamming into his neck, crushing his vocalizer in one brutal hit. The younger mech staggered back from the blow just as Megatron broke through the stasis cuffs and bolted for Optimus. 

“You will never command anything of me, Optimus!” he snarled, easily ripping the podium down as he clawed his way up to Optimus. “I have waited centuries to kill you!” 

Optimus grappled with the other mech, the others trying to get out of the way as Megatron fired his fusion canon, the shot narrowly missing Optimus and Arcee behind him. Megatron’s clawed servos drove in between armor and plating, trying to rip Optimus open to reach his spark. 

“Ratchet!” Optimus called, kicking Megatron hard in his middle and holding him off for another moment. “Forcebond him to me! Hurry!” 

“Optimus, are you mad?!” 

“Ratchet, that’s an order!” 

Ratchet nodded, daring the deadly fray just as Optimus’s chest was torn open and his pulsing golden spark was exposed. Megatron hesitated for a moment when he saw it, the life energy encasing the Matrix. 

“Nngh, get off!” Megatron snarled when he felt strong servos on his own spark chamber. He grabbed Ratchet by his wrist and wrenched it painfully enough so the medic released his hold on him. 

Megatron made a nastier growl of pain when Optimus grabbed him by his jaw and yanked his helm down, unbalancing him just long enough for Ratchet to regain control and pry open the silver mech’s chest. Megatron tried to rear back, watching in horror as his silver spark began to pulse faster in the presence of another. 

“No! No, what are you doing?!” he roared in horror, realizing he was trapped. “Kill me! Kill me now!” he screeched, struggling under the joint holds on him and the ache of his spark being forced to bond. 

“Smokescreen, Bulkhead! Help me hold him!” Ratchet ordered as the other two mechs rushed over and forced Megatron closer to Optimus. 

“Release me! I command you!” Megatron roared, managing to claw into Bulkhead’s optic and throw Smokescreen off with one massive jerk. 

Megatron knew he was losing when he felt a sharp pinch in his upper back cables, the medic using the new stasis weapon on him. Still trying to fight, Megatron felt himself start to succumb to the drug, his vision blurring from fatigue. Before he knew it he was listing to one side, dangerously close to Optimus’s spark. 

He came crashing down onto the Prime and the last thing he remembered was a searing pain and then warmth of a dreamless recharge. 

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