Chapter 4: Nightmare

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    Rose stared out the bus window, bored. The street seemed to whiz by in a blur. After a minute, the bus came to a halt and the doors swished open. Students poured out of the bus like a swarm. Rose walked down the aisle and limped off the bus, nearly tripping down the stairs.

    The bus loudly drove off, leaving Rose at the entrance to a fancy building. The sign had shiny gold lettering that read "FENBROOKE HIGH SCHOOL".  Rose looked around for Cody. She noticed him near the large double doors. She ran up to him and tapped his shoulder,  causing him to nearly drop his phone in surprise.

    "Oh, hey Rose!" he said, startled. "Is your leg feeling any better?" Rose lifted her pant leg to look at her wound. The stitches made her look like a monster from old black and white horror movies. Rose let go of her pant leg, concealing the scar.

    "It's feeling a little better now that I've rested, but I still have a limp... although, something about the wound feels off today, like not pain-off, but just... off. Get what I'm saying?" Cody blinked. "Uh... I guess so." he replied.
Rose looked at her watch awkwardly.

    "Oh, Cody, it's 7:56, we better get to class." Cody looked up and started walking with Rose, holding her hand. They rushed down the hallway, looking a little ridiculous as they ran.

    Rose had her first, third, and sixth periods with Cody. She felt pretty lucky, seeing as the couple had only one class together last year (they were just friends back then).

    Rose let go of Cody's hand as they grabbed their textbooks from their shiny, metal lockers. Their lockers slammed shut with a bang and the pair rushed into their seats. There were still two minutes until the bell rang, so Rose was pretty relieved that they made it in time.

    The pair's first class was Science. Rose wasn't particularly interested in the subject, in fact, it rather bored her. She tried to ignore the painful tingling in her leg as she listened to the teacher drag on about symbiotic relationships, or whatever.

   Cody was sat a few rows in front of her. Rose wished she was near him so she could pass him a note about her strange dream last night...


    Rose looked at her surroundings. She was in the same foggy forest where the buck gored her leg. She noticed the fog start to swirl into vivid shapes. Wolves danced around her in the fog, swirling with evil intent in their eyes. Rose was getting scared, so she tried to run back to her house.

    The woods seemed to go on forever, getting darker and foggier the farther she went. Eventually the girl was surrounded by nothing but emptiness. A black void.
Rose looked behind her.
A figure was approaching.
It was the deer.

    It was unmistakably the same buck. He only had one antler, which was covered in Rose's blood. His eyes, however, were glowing white.

    "Where am I?" Rose asked the deer. She wasn't sure why she thought he would respond, him being a wild animal. The deer blinked.

    He stood there, unmoving, for what seemed like ages. Suddenly, a foggy image of a doe appeared, swirling slowly. More fog appeared, forming a wolf. The deer reared her legs, and the wolf lunged at her.

    Suddenly, everything was engulfed in the fog. Rose was startled awake, sweating. She wasn't able to sleep the rest of the night.

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