Chapter 5: Change

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Rose stared out the classroom window, watching droplets of rain roll down and collect in a pool on the sidewalk. She decided to tell Cody about her dream after school. She wanted to see him, anyways.

As the teacher continued through the lesson, Rose felt a sharp pain in her wound. She tried to ignore it, but it only got worse as time went on. Rose started to shift in her seat, visibly uncomfortable.

After a grueling minute of sitting through the pain, Rose began to feel sick. She raised her hand and asked to go to the bathroom. The teacher was about to argue how she should've gone before class but the girl was out of the room before he could open his mouth to speak.

Rose dashed down the hallway to the girl's bathroom. Luckily, no one else was in there. Rose lifted her pant leg and peered at her wound. It began to tingle strangely.

The girl no longer felt pain in her leg. She was feeling very sick, however. Before she could open a stall door and puke her insides out, her wound began to dissapear. What the hell? Rose thought, watching as the stitches disintegrated into her leg, concealing the wound completely.

Rose had other things to worry about than her wound closing up, though. She felt that same painful tingle throughout her body. Rose looked in the large bathroom mirror.

Was her face... moving?

Rose thought she was having hallucinations from a lack of sleep. She noticed other strange things happening to her body. Her ears moved upwards and stretched out, her face grew longer, and she was having trouble standing.

At this point, Rose began to panic. She had no idea what was happening to her. Rose fell to the floor, no longer watching what was happening to herself.

After a few painful moments, it stopped. Rose felt... normal again. She groaned and tried to sit up.

Rose tried to stand on two legs, but she couldn't. Her body refused to stretch that way. She stood on all fours, sliding around on the tile floor.

Then, she saw her reflection in the mirror. Only, it wasn't hers. It was a doe. A whitetail deer stared back at Rose, blinking.

Rose nearly fainted. She scrambled back onto her feet, or rather, hooves.

This isn't real, this isn't real...

How could this even happen? Rose tried to reassure herself that she was having some sort of fever dream, but deep down she knew this was real. It felt too real to be coming from her imagination.

Rose knew she needed to get out of the school. She had heard of wild animals getting into schools before, and she certainly didn't want to be tranquilized and wake up in a forest many miles away.

The doe slowly stepped forward. Walking like this was very difficult; she felt like she was wearing really thin heels. Rose eventually crawled over to the door. She tried to open it with her hoof, but she couldn't. It just slid down the smooth surface of the wood. Rose tried with both hooves, but to no avail.

After a minute of trying to open it and failing again and again, Rose decided to run into it head first. She backed up, and then clumsily barreled into the door. It swung open and the deer darted down the hall.

Several students and faculty were startled by the sight of a deer rushing past them. Rose caught a glimpse of Cody and her other classmates watching her with shocked faces as she scrambled by, sliding on the shiny floor.

She made a B-line for the front office, skidding and sliding around the corner. She looked behind her and saw several teachers running after her. One was on the phone with what she assumed was animal control. Rose looked ahead again, only to slam straight into a wall. Her whole body ached, but she knew she needed to get out of there before she the teachers caught up to her.

The doe scrambled back to her feet and ran over to the double doors. She tried to headbutt the door to open it, but then she remembered it was a pull door. F*ck! she thought, hearing footsteps getting closer.

Then, Rose noticed the handicap button. The door could be opened automatically! Rose looked behind her and saw the teachers crowded around her. They were cautious of the doe, as deer are known to kick agressively when threatened. However, Rose did not attack. She ran into the button headfirst and the doors slowly opened.

The teachers watched in amazement as she bounded away down the sidewalk. "I didn't know deer were that smart..." Rose heard from one of the teachers as she ran off the sidewalk into the grass.

Once she was out of sight, the doe ran behind some bushes and took cover under an awning

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Once she was out of sight, the doe ran behind some bushes and took cover under an awning. She was soaked, tired, and out of breath. Rose watched the rain pour down as she collected herself. What do I do now? she thought, looking at cars passing by.

Rose sat still for a minute, and then she decided to find her way home. She sat up and clumsily trotted towards the trees. She didn't care about the rain drizzling down her fur, she just wanted this nightmare to end.

The doe was able to walk much easier in the wet grass and mud than inside the school. She didn't bother rushing home, as she knew her family would not know what to do about her situation. Rose didn't know what to do, either. As she walked down through the trees trying to find her way back home, she wondered what to do next. Was this permanent? Is there a way to turn back?

The only thing Rose was sure about was the figure she kept seeing out of the corner of her eye was definitely the same wolf she saw in her dream.

Wow, long chapter, right? I decided to do some art for this one, and I will continue to make art for each chapter. Maybe I'll even go back and add some to old chapters :v

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