Chapter 6: Stunned

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The rain had nearly stopped by the time Rose reached her neighborhood.
A light fog began to set in, much like the kind from the forest near Cody's house.

Rose was beginning to get tired from walking. Her house was only a few streets down, so the doe found a spot to rest behind someone's backyard fence. She lied down, though she wasn't very comfortable there as the ground was still damp and muddy.

Rose was still wondering how this could happen. She knew at least the basics about matter from when she actually did pay attention in Science class. Surely this wasn't actually possible. How did this happen?

Rose didn't have much time to ponder, however. She noticed a figure walking down the street in the direction she had been headed. Rose then realized that the figure was Cody. What was he doing out of school early?

The doe was curious, so she decided to follow him. Rose slowly stood up and trotted after him. She was still learning how to walk in her new form, so she was a little wobbly. Regardless, she was able to catch up to Cody and trail a few yards behind him.

Rose tried to walk quietly, but her hooves began to make a clacking sound as soon as she stepped onto the sidewalk. After a few moments, Cody looked over his shoulder to see who was following him. Rose stopped in her tracks, and her ears moved upwards on their own. Cody paused for a second. He smiled at the deer and continued walking towards his house.

However, the clacking did not stop. Cody began to speed up, and Rose clumsily matched his pace. The doe was no longer just curious. She realized that she might be able to get Cody to help somehow, if she could get him to realize it's her. Rose grumbled a little in her mind, as she knew this would be a challenge. Cody was known for being a little inattentive to details. However, she knew she needed to at least try to get help. She didn't want to stay in this stupid body forever.

Rose shivered a little as the air grew colder. She continued to follow Cody for a little while before she realized that he didn't really care about some deer following him. Rose stopped on the sidewalk and yelled, "Cody!" Only then did the teen turn around to look at her. She ran up to him, stumbling around on the concrete. Cody looked at her, confused. "What do you want, little deer? I don't have any food."

Rose opened her mouth to speak, but she remained silent. She began to realize that he probably couldn't understand what she was saying. Cody made a weird face and tried to turn around and continue walking. Rose panicked and ran in front of him, causing him to jump back in surprise. He veered to the left, but the doe stopped him once again. Cody's face looked fearful, so Rose backed up a little to let him know she wouldn't attack. He stood there for a moment, silent, and then suddenly broke into a run.

Rose quickly stumbled around and started after him. "Coooddyyyyy!" she yelled as she ran, despite knowing he would only hear a bleat. Cody looked behind him at the deer. Rose slowed down and yelled for him again. This time, he finally stopped. He stood there for a moment, looking confused as the doe trotted up to him again. Rose decided that now was the time to send him a signal.

She began spinning her head around, stomping her hooves on the sidewalk. Cody snickered as he watched her dance around. Rose began to make noise as well to seem unnatural. She needed him to know that she wasn't a normal deer.

"You must be on something, deer, haha." Rose stopped dancing. It's not working... she thought. The doe paused for a moment, and then stepped onto the grass. She used her mouth to grab several clovers and wildflowers. She dumped a mouthful onto the sidewalk, and then grabbed more. Rose soon gathered a large pile of plants. She glanced at Cody for a second and nodded her head. He stared at the doe, confused and fascinated.

Rose grabbed a clover in her mouth and placed it on the sidewalk. The doe grabbed more, arranging them into a line. She placed a few more near the line, and after a minute, she had formed an H. She glanced at Cody once more. He did not react; he was frozen in place, looking stunned. Rose hurriedly grabbed a few more plants and began creating another shape. E. A minute or two passed, and Rose placed the last clover. She backed up from her creation.

"HELP." The doe's ear twitched as she waited in silence. Cody's mouth was agape, and his eyes were wider than golf balls. "H-how did... what?" Rose bleated. Cody placed his hand on his forehead, stumbling dizzily. Rose stepped closer. The teen collected himself again and looked at her.

Rose stared at Cody and slowly nodded her head. A few moments passed in silence.

"Y-you... how did you do that... you're a d-deer... a wild animal..." Cody stammered, his face as pale as white chalk. Rose blinked. The doe pointed her hoof towards his house (as well as a deer's leg could point, anyway). She began to walk ahead of Cody, turning her head to look at him.

"You... want me t-to follow you...?" Rose nodded her head and began trotting towards his house. Cody followed behind her after a moment, still looking stunned, confused, and terrified.

 Cody followed behind her after a moment, still looking stunned, confused, and terrified

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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