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My alarm clock went off earlier than I had planned. I hit it with my hand, causing it to cave in slightly, then rolled back over, and pulled the covers up over my head. I slowly started to drift back into her peaceful sleep when I heard Stiles' voice say, "Come on, Callie." I felt the bed dip as he sat down, "It's time for your first day of school." he said trying to make it sound like a cheery thing. He pulled the covers off of my face, "Morning." he grinned at me.

"Night." I mumbled as I pulled the covers out of his hands, I had found out that I'm a lot stronger than most people now other than Scott and maybe Isaac.

"I'll go get water to dump on you if you don't get up." I felt him get up off of the bed.

"Wait, no!" I yelled, "I'm up!" I climbed out of bed, "I'll be ready in fifteen minutes! I promise!" I said as I saw that Stiles was already ready to go to school.

Fifteen minutes later, as I promised, I was running down the stairs, "Okay, ready!" I looked up at Stiles, he walked us towards teh front door then went outside.

He walked towards the jeep once we were outside, instead of getting into the drivers' seat, he came and opened my door for me first. I smiled at him as I hopped in.


"Okay, so I'll meet you outside of all of your classes and walk you to the next ones." Stiles reminded me again as we stopped walking and stood right outside of my first class.

"Okay," I said looking down at the spiral notebook that Sheriff Stilinski had bough for me, along with the other supplies in my backpack, which he had also bought for me, "Thank you, again." I looked up at him, I could help but think about amazing Stiles' smile was, it ws always so bright and adorable, just like the rest of him.

"Have fun, well try to." he patted my shoulder, "If you need anything call or text me, okay?" he had placed both hands on my shoulders and gave them a small squeeze. I nodded my head, then he opened his arms for a hug, which I embraced. He released me then spun around and started to head for his own class.

I took a deep breathe before I began to walk into the classroom, "Who are you?" a man said who had his feet up on his desk.

"I'm Callie McCall, I'm new." I handed him the slip of paper that the office had given me.

"McCall?" he asked as he looked down at the slip of paper, I nodded my head, "You related to Scott?"

"Yeah, he's my cousin." his facial expression changed from a scowl to a half smile, and I smiled back at him.

"I like Scott." he nodded his head and handed me the paper, "So, I like you, until you make me think different." he held out his hand, "I'm Coach Finstock." I shook his hand, "Take a seat, McCall."

I smiled and sat down in the back of the classroom near the window. The bell rang that signalled that class was starting and I wanted to rip my ears off because of the high pitched noise. I took several deep breaths and then relaxed in my desk as Coach Finstock began to speak, well more like rant about something I didn't know. Instead of listening to him, I decided to work on my wolf hearing seeing that there were plenty of small sounds to focus on in this classroom. I listened to the girl in the front of the room click her pen continuously until the noise began to drive me insane. I took my focus elsewhere, I looked at a boy who was a few rows up to my right, he was texting away on his phone, I could hear his fingers tapping on the screen.

I sunk down in my chair and rested my face on my fist, I closed my eyes but then reopened them when another noise came to my attention, a heartbeat. I pressed my fingers against my neck to feel my pulse, but the heartbeat wasn't mine. The heartbeat made me feel calm, I needed to find out who is was, maybe this person could my anchor, as Scott had mentioned. The sound of the bell interupted my thoughts and I winced in pain again. I quickly got up, smiled at Coach Finstock, then walked out of the classroom only to run straight into Stiles.

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