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I blinked a couple of times, the first face that came into my view was Callie's as she leaned over me as she knelt down beside me. When I looked her in her eyes she smiled at me with a relieved sigh, then my eyes moved around to everyone else staring at me, "Oh, God, I fainted, didn't I?" they all let out small laughs as the nodded, Callie's hand still rested on my chest, "We're alive. We all alive?" I asked as I put my hand on Callie's.

"Yeah. We're okay." Scott nodded at me, I relaxed my body as I sighed.

Callie turned her attention to Lydia as she slowly stood up, with Callie's help I sat up and watched her too, "Lydia, what's wrong?" Callie asked quietly before Lydia took off into a run down the hallway, Callie and I immediately followed after her, "Lydia!" Callie yelled as she ran out the doors. Both of them made it outside before I did, when I spotted them I saw them both standing there motionless staring down the stairs. I stepped up behind them and Lydia turned around and threw herself into my chest. I watched as Callie stepped down each step slowly and walked towards Derek, Isaac, Argent, Ethan, and a motionless Aiden.


I felt like I was moving in slow motion as I walked over to where the four men were squatted down, "Callie, you okay?" Derek asked once I was close enough to them to see that Aiden was no longer breathing, Aiden was no longer there to say some snarky remark to me as I lowered myself to my knees as I continued to stare at Aiden, "Callie, come here." Derek said as he put his arm around me and pulled me into his body. Aiden and I didn't ever really get along too well, but when we did it was a nice friendship and I never wanted him dead. I felt myself hugging Derek back as all of us just sat on the ground around Aiden, I looked up at Ethan and removed myself from Derek, crawled over to Ethan and wrapped him into a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Ethan." I whispered as I hugged him, "He wasn't a bad guy, you know that." I felt Ethan hug me tighter as I spoke.


I really hadn't talked to anyone since that night, I've barely even said two words to Stiles or his dad for that matter. I tried to stay out of the house as much as I could, not just because Sheriff Stilinski would hound me with questions any chance he got but because Malia had been there a lot. According to Stiles, he was teaching her how to use control like he did for Scott and for me, I still wanted nothing to do with either of them together, not after what the nogitsune had told me about Stiles and Malia in Eichen House. I finally got up off my bed and went towards Stiles' room, until I heard Stiles and I stopped outside of the door where he couldn't see me, "Don't worry, you'll learn fast." he said and I automatically rolled my eyes.

"I intend to." Malia said back to him, I stepped forward so I could see what he was trying to teacher, she flicked her wrist and no claws appeared.

"It's okay. Don't think too much about it." Stiles smiled at her, Malia stared at her hands in defeat and frustration.

"Just try to let it happen." I said as I stood in the doorway, I didn't look at Stiles who was staring at me with a curious look on his face.

I watched as Malia closed her eyes and flicked her wrist, claws coming close to the skin on Stiles' cheek, "Ah, wow!" he jumped backwards and then looked towards me with a small smile.

"Oh I am so sorry!" Malia said as she examined her claws, she looked up, and gave me a big smile as she held her hand up for me to see. I nodded my head and then walked down the stairs without another word.

"Where are you headed, Cal?" I sighed when I heard Sheriff Stilinski's voice coming from the living room.

I shrugged, "I don't really want to watch those two flirt back and forth, so I'll probably just go see Derek, or Isaac and Ethan before they leave Beacon Hills."

"Did you ever figure out whether or not you wanted to get a DNA test done?" he asked as he walked towards me. I didn't say anything, just looked at him, "I have time to do it now, if you want to go down to the station with me?" he asked.

"I would love that."


"Okay, it's just running through the system and then we will have the results." Sheriff Stilinski said as he came and stood in the doorway of his office, I nodded my head at him, and he disappeared back to where he had come from. I was finally going to know who my real parents were, I was going to find out my real last name, I was going to find out who I was before my parents adopted me. I felt my stomach swirl, I had always hoped that Stiles would've been by my side when I finally decided to go through with getting a DNA test but his attention is on his new girl, Malia. I already knew it was coming though, even though we hadn't officially broken up yet. So technically, Malia was flirting with my boyfriend. I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes trying to relax and not think about Stiles and Malia.

My eyes shot open when my phone began to vibrate on Sheriff Stilinski's desk, I didn't look at the name, I just clicked the green button and answered it, "Hello?"

"I thought you were coming to my loft so you could get away from Stiles and Malia?" Derek questioned.

"I was going to, but I'm in Sheriff Stilinski's office at the station," I started as I spun around in my chair, "I'm doing the DNA test that I told you about."

"Oh," Derek said, "Well, tell me when you find out who your real family is... Hopefully it explains why you have so much control when you transform." Derek mumbled.

"I hope so too." I said, "I'll call you once I'm done here, bye sour wolf." I laughed when Derek just hung up instead of responding to me.

"Ready, Cal?" Sheriff Stilinski said, making me jump as he walked in holding a manila folder. I nodded my head quickly, and then took the folder from his hands.

I took a deep breath and then pulled out the documents, "I'm nervous." I looked up at the sheriff, "I mean, I want to know, but I'm scared."

"Why are you scared, honey?"

"What if they don't want me? They gave me up for a reason, right?" I stared at the front page of the paper that had all of my information on it.

"They could've had a real reason, Callie, don't sell yourself short."

I nodded my head then flipped the page, as I read my jaw dropped at the name of my mother, Talia Hale. That means Derek was my brother, my older brother. I continued to stare at the paper and not say a word, I had to call Derek, I had to tell him right now, he was the first person I wanted and needed to tell, "I need to call Derek." I pulled out my phone and dialed his number, but he didn't answer. I looked down at my phone and hoped that my brother would call me back to hear the news.

"Well, since he didn't answer, how about you tell me." Sheriff Stilinski suggested with a smile, I slowly brought my eyes up to his, "What's your real last name? I know you always told Stiles that you wanted to know what your real last name was."

"Hale." I said, "My real last name is Hale." the sheriff looked up at me with a puzzled look, "Meaning I'm Derek Hale's little sister."

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