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"They are on their way here," I set down my phone and turned towards my sister Cora.

She nodded her head and made herself at home in my loft, "Now explain her smell to me,"

"She smelled like us," Cora fell silent, I turned around to read her facial expression, "She smelled like mom, dad, you, Peter, me, and everyone else,"

"That's not possible," Cora shook her head, "They better hurry up, I am not missing this flight out of this hell hole," I ignored her and checked the time, "I'm leaving in ten minutes whether they are here or not,"

"I'll get a picture of her and send you it," I said walking towards the doors, "Go catch your plane, be safe," I hugged her tightly and sent her on her way to South America. Cora wouldn't have been able to see Callie anyways, they showed up twenty-minutes later than they said they would.

"About time," I said angrily.

"Not my fault," Stiles said as he marched in.

"You drove, did you not?"

He turned and glared at me, such a scrawny kid, "Yes, Derek, but I forced to stop and refuel two very hungry werewolves," he pointed at the two walking into the door. Scott had two bags of food in his hands, and Callie had one, along with an opened cheeseburger she had already eaten half of.

Her scent filled my nose, it was so much like ours, but she couldn't be a Hale. I mean it wasn't impossible, but she just couldn't be. I had a strange feeling, a feeling that made me want to keep her safe, and protect her, "Hello? Earth to Derek!"

"Get out of my face, Stiles," I shoved him and Callie let out a small laugh, "I thought you liked that one?"

"I do, but I can't help if something is funny," she took another bite of the cheeseburger and sat down on my couch, "Want one? I made sure Stiles ordered a few for you too,"


She gave me a confused look, "Why not?" she countered.

We held a stare for several moments even while I said, "Because I'm Derek Hale, I'm an asshole,"

"I don't think so yet," she smirked at me.

I broke my stare from her and turned to the boys, "Pack enough sass in this one, Scott?"


I really didn't listen to much that the guys were saying, I just continued to focus on my cheeseburgers, until I heard my name from in the other room where they had all went to, "How did Callie do on her first full moon?" Derek asked.

"Stiles said she did good,"

"Stiles, how did she do then since you were in the room with her,"

I listened to Stiles' heartbeat rise just enough to be above his regular pulse, "Her eyes started to glow, fangs, and teeth appeared... But as quickly as they showed up, they went away,"


"Yeah, I thought it would take awhile since she's a Beta," Stiles said.

"It's supposed to, no new werewolf can have that much control," Derek said and then he appeared in the room where I was still sitting, "How do you have that much control?"

I gave him a weird look and rolled my eyes, "How am I supposed to know that?"

He glared at me, "Only people who have been werewolves since birth can do that," he yelled and I shrugged my shoulders at him, "You are the most stubborn person that has been in this pack,"

"Not as stubborn as you, Derek," Stiles said and received a dirty glare from Derek, "Actually, you two are pretty equal when it comes attitude and sass, it's actually quite creepy," Stiles came and sat beside me and put his hand on my leg.

"What are you two like a thing now? Got yourself a werewolf to protect you, Stiles?"

Stiles lifted his hand up and then put it around me to prove his point. I looked down as I felt myself smiling, then leaned into Stiles. Derek rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.


"Hey, Cal," I looked up from my phone to see Stiles leaning on my door frame in his pajamas, "Do you think you could sleep in my room with me tonight?" he looked down as his cheeks turned pink.

"Of course, Stiles," I grabbed my phone charger and followed him into the next room.

"There's a outlet on the wall right next to that pillow," he pointed as he walked across the hall to the bathroom.

I climbed onto his bed, plugged in my phone, then laid down on the pillow closest to the wall. Stiles walked back into the room, he smiled at me when he saw me under the covers. I pulled them away so he could lay down beside me, "Night," he smiled as he rolled over to face me. I smiled at him and he pressed a kiss on my lips before pulling me closer to him. His eyes slowly closing as he finally drifts off to sleep, me following close behind.

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