Chapter 3

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"Alright!" Luca said with a fake polite voice, "Two cokes, an Iced tea, and a water, no ice. Are you guys ready to order now or do you guys need a few minutes to decide?"

"I think we're ready." One of the boys said with a smile as Luca smiled back and pulled out his notepad to take down their orders.

"Okay I'll get those in and have them out shortly. Can I get you anything else while you wait? More garlic bread or anything?" Luca continued as he noticed the boys' demeanors were starkly different from before. They had that look about them that screamed "we were talking about you before you showed up" and something about that unsettled Luca.

"Um... Aren't you Arianna Russo's cousin?" The brown haired boy asked with narrowed green eyes that felt like they were bearing through Luca. Arianna was Luca's cousin, she went to Hilldale and was also a cheerleader, but they never paid the whole rivalry thing much thought. They were family so naturally they were inseparable since childhood; no high school rivalry could possibly come between family.

"Yeah!" Luca said softly. "How do you know her?" He asked obliviously, though he already knew the answer to that question.

"She goes to Hilldale with us." The same boy said with a slight smile.

"Yeah we hang out sometimes." The other black haired boy added with a smile, locking eyes with Luca.

"Oh nice!" Luca replied devoid of any real emotion. "Well... um. I should go put your orders in, but let me know if you need anything." And with that Luca walked away towards the kitchens, handing the slip of paper to Gio through the door.

"Oh GOD." Gio said as he looked to the side towards the table of Raiders. "What are THEY doing here."

"Be nice, they're paying customers." Luca said playfully, rolling his eyes as he leant against the doorway.

"Why are you wearing Niccolo's name tag." Gio asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Long story, don't worry about it." Luca waved off the question knowing he couldn't possibly explain the situation to Gio without risking his life in the process.

As Luca backed away from the kitchen door, he felt someone suddenly grab him by the waist. Turning around and fully prepared to chew out whomever had just manhandled him, Luca saw a familiar pair of hazel eyes which instantly calmed his temper.

"Watch it fratellino! (Little brother) You about plowed right into me!" The man said with a teasing smile as Luca's scowl turned into a wide grin, ecstatic to see his favorite older cousin and Arianna's older brother, Niccolo.

"Nico! Cosa stai facendo qui!?" (Nico! What are you doing here?!) He exclaimed gleefully as his older cousin hugged him tight and lifted him clear off the ground.

"I'm here for the weekend! Didn't Nonna tell you??" Niccolo said with a wide grin as he put his little cousin safely back down on the ground. His gaze shifted to Luca's name tag and a smirk crept on his face. "Why are are you wearing my name tag?" Niccolo asked with a look of amusement on his handsome face.

"Shhh.. It's a long story. I'll explain everything later. Just go along with it." Luca whispered inconspicuously, maintaining a neutral smile.

"Does it have anything to do with the kid glaring at us over there?" Nico asked, glancing over out of the side of his eye. Luca nonchalantly peeked over at the boys at the table to see that Aidan was indeed glaring at him and Nico with narrowed eyes.

"Yup!" Luca said adding extra emphasis on the 'p'; his eyes wide with a forced smile.

"Well well well... A Raiders football player. What would Gio say?" Nico teased his little cousin, making Luca slap him on the arm.

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