Chapter 13

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Straight after football practice Aidan showered, jumped in his car with his gym bag and sped off to Hilldale Gymnastics to pick up little Emma from practice. Aidan pulled into the parking lot and sat in his car, patiently waiting for Emma as the rain began to pick up outside.

He watched in sheer boredom as the droplets of rain pitter-pattered against his windshield. Outside he could barely decipher the silhouettes of little girls, running into their parents cars as they each drove off one by one . Aidan was jolted back to reality when he heard the sudden sound of a call coming through his car's bluetooth speakers. It was from his Mom.

"Hello?" He said confusedly after hitting the green button.

"Aidan sweetheart, look to your left." She said teasingly as he turned in confusion to look out of his lefthand side window, seeing the familiar grey minivan his mother drove.

"Mom... What are you doing here? I thought I was going to pick Emma up today." he asked over the phone.

"I know sweetie, I got off work early and I thought I would swing by and come get her. I guess I forgot to tell you. Sorry sweetheart." She said through the speaker as Aidan watched his adorable little sister prance over in her tracksuit, opening his mother's passenger seat door and sitting inside.

"Alright darling, Emma is here, I'll see you at home! Sorry for the mixup, sweetheart." Aidan's mom said sweetly.

"Okay Mom, see you at home!" He said before ending the call as he chuckled and shook his head; waving at his mom and sister as they pulled out of the parking lot and drove away.

    He waited as the large minivan next to him left so that he could make his exit too, but as it pulled out, it revealed the next car over. What caught Aidan's eye was that the hood of the familiar white BMW was popped open despite the pouring rain. He squinted and caught glimpse of someone standing in front of the hood of the car in the pouring rain, and without a second thought opened his car door.

"MADONNA GIO! NON SO COME FARLO!" (God Gio! I don't know how to do that!) Aidan heard a familiar voice as he stepped out of the car to ask the person if they needed help. As he got closer he recognized just whom that familiar voice belonged to.

"Luca?" Aidan asked as he approached the boy who was drenched from head to toe in the rain.

"Ti richiamerò... (I'll call you back)" Luca said into the phone as his eyes rested on Aidan. His gaze shifting from stressed to more relieved, though he didn't want Aidan to see that. "Aidan... What are you doing here?" He asked softly as the rain continued to fall around them.

"I was supposed to pick Emma up after practice but there was a mixup, it's a long story. Anyway, Are you okay?" Aidan asked as he looked between the smaller boy and the opened car hood.

"Yeah.. I'm fine." Luca muttered through gritted teeth.

"Oh?" Aidan teased him. "Then why are you standing in the pouring rain with the hood of your car open?"

"Alright FINE! I'm not okay, okay?! My car wont start and I don't know why and I don't know how to make it start or how to do anything because I CAN'T CAR. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO CAR. OKAY?! HAPPY?!" Luca clearly snapped as he frantically ranted to Aidan, making the taller boy jump slightly. "I called Gio and he told me to jump start it but I don't know what the fresh fuck that means, and Arianna is at cheerleading practice and my mamma and papà are at the restaurant and aren't answering the phone." He continued speaking as he verged a mental breakdown.

"Why didn't you call me?" Aidan asked seriously, cutting him off his mini breakdown.

"Because I don't need to you to come save me, Aidan!" Luca said as tears began to fall down his cheeks, though fortunately for Luca the falling rain managed to concealed it. "I'm not some weak little damsel in distress that needs the big strong quarterback to come save the day! I'm sick! And TIRED! Of people thinking that just because I'm gay, and feminine, and a cheerleader that I'm weak and delicate. BECAUSE I'M NOT" Aidan just stared at him wide eyed before grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling him closer, crashing his lips on Luca's. The kiss was gentle but passionate, and for a second they forgot that they were standing in the middle of a torrential downpour.

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