Chapter 25

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"Isn't this a bit extreme." Gianna whisper yelled, making Luca and Gio shush her violently.

"It's what they deserve." Luca said with an evil snicker as they crept around the Hilldale High gym, sheathed by the darkness of night. They all wore black hoodies and black sweats, that hid them even more, allowing them to be almost invisible in the dark moonless night.

    It was a nightmare. Earlier that week, a few Hilldale football players spray-painted "Crenshwhores" onto the outside of the Crenshaw High gym. Now that might sound okay to most, just a bit of spray paint that can be washed off easily enough. Though what they found in the locker room came at a huge messy surprised.

    The Hilldale boys somehow got into the gym locker rooms and poured gallons of canola oil onto the tiled floor. When the Crenshaw football team went in to dress out for morning practice, they found themselves slipping and falling on their asses before they could even register what was going on. It took forever to clear out the whole locker room and remove the stubborn residue left from the oil, and needless to say it was an absolute nightmare for the school.

"I heard about that!" Gianna said with a giggle as Gio shot her a warning glance.

"This guy fell on his ass." Luca said teasingly, gesturing towards Gio as he and Gianna giggled like little schoolgirls; warranting Luca a smack upside the head from Gio.

"So what's the plan exactly?" Gianna whispered, as Luca shot her an evil smirk. He took the drawstring bag off his back and opened it with a devilish glint in his eyes.

"We're going to superglue these pennies on the lock of every outside entrance to the Hilldale gym." Luca said proudly, with a hand on his cocked hip. "One of my more genius evil plans." He mimed a sassy hairflip.

"They cost us our morning practice" Gio said smugly. "Now they won't have one either."

"You both realize this is all stupid, right?" Gianna glared at them both, though it wasn't much use.

"I know, Gia. But this is how it works." Gio brushed her off, as he pulled a penny out of the drawstring bag and began supergluing it to the keyhole on one of the gym entrances.

"Hold it still for two minutes for the glue to dry." Luca instructed after grabbing the glue bottle and  reading the back.

"It's ridiculous! There's no point to these pranks. They're just a huge pain in the ass." Gianna said sassily. "What if I went out and found myself a Hilldale boy. What would you two do?!"

    Luca and Gio's gazes both shot up to glare at Gianna, though neither of them said anything. Gio had a look of pure rage in his eyes, though Luca's seemed more terrified out of his mind.

"Don't be ridiculous, Gia. Why would you date a Hilldale boy." Gio scoffed, brushing off the question without a second thought.

"I'm serious! What if I say... Dated Aidan Taylor." Gianna joked with a sarcastic tone as Luca's blood ran cold through his veins.

"Don't even joke about that, Gianna." Gio said seriously.

"Come ON, Gio! Is it that serious, what would you do?!" Gianna said with a chuckle, teasingly shoving her twin brother.

"First of all, I would never speak to you ever again." Gio deadpanned as Luca felt his heart sink to his stomach. He could tell Gio was being one hundred percent serious. "Seriously Gia, after everything Aidan Taylor has done I can't believe you'd even joke about dating that cocky asshole."

    After they finished supergluing the pennies on to every lock on the building, Gio went off to hang out with his friends, leaving Luca alone with Gianna. Luca didn't say much to Gianna the whole ride back to his house, but she didn't really need him to.

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