Chapter 6

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T/W: Homophobic slur.

"He has cheerleading practice tonight." Arianna told Aidan encouragingly. "Go talk to him, show him that you aren't going to give up." Aidan smiled at her and gave her a friendly hug goodbye.

"Thank you." He whispered as he turned to walk away, only to turn back and call out to her again. "Arianna, can I ask you something?" She nodded as she stepped back towards him. "Why do you want to help me?" he asked curiously. Arianna thought about it for a moment, why exactly did she want to help him? Perhaps she herself didn't know.

"I don't know..." she started with a slightly dazed look about her. "I guess, I just trust you?" she said with a shrug. Aidan just smiled and gave her a final nod goodbye before Arianna called out to him one last time. "Get him an iced coffee from Starbucks, that should work." she yelled out as Aidan shot her a quizzical look.

"B-But isn't it too cold out for an iced coffee?" He said confusedly as she chuckled at his innocence.

"Doesn't matter! And don't forget to ask for one pump of French Vanilla!" Arianna flashed him a cheeky smile before getting into her car and driving away.

Aidan walked back to his car feeling as though he was ready to take on the world. He stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted a familiar face smiling sheepishly at him while leaning against the side of his car.

"Hey." Endri smiled nervously as Aidan approached him.

"Whats up?" Aidan said coldly, still a bit upset at Endri for not understanding his feelings. But then again, how could he expect Endri to understand his feelings when Aidan himself didn't fully understand them.

"I-I just wanted to say sorry." Endri lowered his gaze down tho his shoes as he shuffled from side to side awkwardly. "I didn't know how serious you were about that guy. I guess, I've only ever really seen you with girls so I thought maybe he was just a phase or you experimenting with your sexuality."

"It's okay." Aidan said blankly with a nod, flashing Endri a tight lipped half smile.

"Do you want to hang out, maybe?" Endri asked hopefully, as Aidan's icy treatment towards him finally thawed out, revealing a slight smile that crept gradually across his face.

Endri and Aidan had been best friends since they were kids, they had the same interests, were in most of the same classes, and not to mention lived down the street from each other. This made them virtually inseparable. Not to say that they hadn't had their share of quarrels and disagreements in the past, but usually none of them lasted more than a day; this quarrel being no exception.

"So she didn't tell you his name?" Endri said with a cocked eyebrow as he flung himself onto Aidan's bed.

"No, she didn't" Aidan replied calmly, "But she said she'd help me out." he continued as Endri's expression remained utterly perplexed.

"Have you met him before?" Endri blurted out suddenly, as he narrowed his gaze at Aidan's face.

"I mean obviously, we had sex." Said Aidan with a confused smirk, perplexed by Endri's seemingly dumb question.

"No, no. I mean like had you met him before that night?" Endri repeated himself, still carefully scanning Aidan's face.

"What do you mean?" Aidan asked, thoroughly confused at the strange round of interrogation coming from Endri.

"No like, I just mean, doesn't he seem a bit? Familiar?" Endri stared him down blatantly, as though expecting a certain answer.

"Not really..." Aidan said with a cocked eyebrow and a tinge of irritation in his voice.

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